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MS Answers to Questions About Multiple Sclerosis

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This is the place to find Answers About MS. Do have specific questions about MS that you haven't been able to find the answers to? Well here's where you can ask them.

Sooo, we're opening the floor to you! Ask your questions about multiple sclerosis here. We will answer to the best of our ability or our generous visitors will share their knowledge and advice with you. It's the perfect solution!

Fill in the form below and ask your question. We or other visitors will comment and answer your questions. And you can comment and answer their questions, as well.

We have developed a great resource for everyone with questions about multiple sclerosis - MS Answers!

Scroll through the list below to find all kinds of questions about MS. The answer that we have given as well the comments/answers from other MSers can be found after each. If you can't find a questions similar to yours, go ahead and ask your own.

There are many supportive and helpful people who visit these pages. So be assured that someone will have a similar situation and be able to offer advice, comfort, or assurance to you.

Some questions we have decided to devote a full page article to. Click the link(s) below to find them. You will be able to add your own comments as well. Scroll down below for the form to add your questions or find questions to answer.

The links to the side offer navigation to the newest questions. The link at the bottom, will take you to the oldest questions that have been asked.

Couples and MS

Couple Question - What Should I Say?

MS Fatigue Part 1

MS Fatigue Part 2

Do you have a question? We have the answer!

Is there something about MS that you have a question for and can't find the answer to? Well ask it here, and if we can't answer it, maybe one of our readers can.

Go ahead, ask away! And when you finish, if there is a question below that you know the answer to, go right ahead and answer using the comment box.

Want to Read What Other Visitors Have Asked?

Click below to see questions by other visitors. You can also find questions that may still need answers. You can even rate the answers you feel are best.

Want to help with MS research? 
Hello, My name is Madeline and I work for a consumer insights agency based in Brooklyn, NY. We are currently conducting research about the MS caregiver …

"Can someone help?" 
Hi, I have been experiencing foot spasms (primarily at night though do happen during the day) for a few years. I have had radiating spasms in my forearms …

Communicating with others with MS 
Is there a site where I can provide my email address and communicate with others? I was diagnosed with M.S. 5 years ago at the age of 39 after a very …

Trouble Swallowing 
For the past year I find that I am having trouble with choking while eating or drinking things. Nothing in particular, never happens on a regular basis, …

Primary Demyelination 
After 2 years of being told by a Falls Clinic Doctor, I have had mini strokes 4 of them, without any scan proof My GP finally ordered a second …

Home Modifications 
I was diagnosed Nov 2012 and have quickly progressed to a wheelchair full time. We were not prepared for this and have no insurance. I have applied for …

RRMS initial diagnosis 
I've heard that everyone is first diagnosed with RRMS. I understand little about MS, and I believe it baffles even the experts at times. MY question is, …

Ocular Migraine? 
About a month ago I experienced a blind spot in my central vision as I was reading the newspaper. It kept getting larger then I started seeing flashes …

One White Spot... 
in brain MRI, spinal fluid levels off... So I was diagnosed two days ago after waiting a month. I woke up with nystagmus like symptoms in my eye …

Strong and struggling 
I lost my job in May 2012 and my insurance. Thanks to MS Lifelines I still receive Rebif. My anxiety and depression are taking a toll on me and sleep …

What comes next? 
I have been experiencing many symptoms of MS for several years. It started with numbness and tingling in my left arm, to numbness and tingling in both …

MS in the Eyes 
I have a friend who recently has been diagnoised with MS, but stronger in his eyes. They have told him he is going blind, is there any chance that won't …

Compound drug called 'LDN" 
Does anyone know or can comment on its effectiveness? Reply: Hi Don, Sorry for the delay in getting to your question. There are several people …

Stopping Avonex 
- What can happen? I was officially diagnosed with MS when I was 47. I started Avonex one year later. I have been taking it regularly ever since. …

Dazed and Confused 
I have been given various diagnoses over the last few years including fibromyalgia, but it seems to me that my signs and symptoms match MS a lot closer. …

Can You Die From MS? 
Most things I read say that you can't die from MS. I know people with MS and they are really sick. If they don't die from MS, what do they die from? …

MS or Sjorgrens Disease 
...waiting for a diagnosis I am 38 years old and my symptoms started 3 months ago suddenly. Vision problems and severe pain behind my eye sent me …

Vince J. Smith & Annette Funicello 
Is there any way that maybe fans can play Vince J. Smith songs and Annette Funicello songs and everytime there fans (play the songs) some of the proceeds …

How to Find Live-in Cargivers 
My husband has PPMS and has no movement from his neck down. We are looking for a live in caregiver. Don't know best way to go about it or what is fair …

How Fast and Far... 
...Can You Fall? In October 2011, I got optic neuritis. Methylprednisolone and prednisone taper was given, and did not help much. In fact, while …

With MS why are my extremities so dry and slippery? Thank you in advance. Reply : Hi Nancy, Dryness of your extremities may have something …

MS with Type 1 Diabetes? 
& How Do I Ask My Doctor? I was diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenile Onset Diabetes when I was 11 years old. Around the age of 22 I started developing …

How do you know when MS is getting the best of you & you truly need help...such as mental counseling and/or physical therapy? How do you know it's not …

5 white blobs in brain 
The Falls Clinic doctor who looked at my MRI said that it was normal to get one white blob per decade. I find this difficult to believe what do you think? …

Click here to write your own.

Women with MS? 
Have women with MS experienced the same issues I have? Ever since I was diagnosed with MS I have noticed that around the time of the month my symptoms …

Five white blobs in brain 
Hi it's Carol from Penzance Cornwall. I went to see doctor for results of MRI. He showed me the scan pic with 5 white spots on brain and thin myelin …

Blind Overnight...ect! 
L (left) eye in remission How fast can MS go into remission? What are other signs that I didn't read? Can't type any more sorry. Ellen (In …

Help - 4 Family Members with MS 
Hello, I feel my efforts to find help for 4 family members who suffer from MS, is like David and Goliath. Feel every organization has been contacted, …

Thin Myelin in Brain 
Hi, I am a 58 yr old female. I was referred to a clinic specializing in unexplained falls, because over recent months I have fallen several times. …

Lost My Job - What to Do? 
Question: I've been on Rebif therapy for 6 years. I lost my job and (health) insurance and will run out of meds (by the) end of December. Where can …

Is it a Seizure? 
I have a friend with MS. Several times, when in the middle of a conversation, he will go into a trance with his eyes half closed. It will last only a …

No Diagnosis... 
I don't have a diagnosis, but I have the lesions and a whole lot of the symptoms. I am in a flare up of whatever I have. It is much worse than before. …

Be Darned if Anyone Knows 
I had severe dizziness and double vision. Hospitalized for 12 days Ct and CT Angiogram showed nothing. Dizziness went away but blurred vision in right …

Orbital Inflammatory Pseudotumor 
In July of this year I suddenly developed double vision. Neuro-opthamalogist diagnosed me with orbital inflammatary pseudotumor. Still on prednisone at …

What do I do? 
I was just married a few months ago and my wife has MS. She has had it since 1989 but we have only been together a short time. Her symptoms are fatigue …

Experimental drug for MS "Daclizumab" 
I See an MS Specialist & he told me about this new "experimental" drug for MS. He says I'm a perfect candidate for the study. Can anyone give me any advice …

How Can I Help MSers? 
Dear Akrista and Cir: Thank you so much for providing this website and for sharing your inspirational story! I am the adult child of a parent with …

Osteoporosis & M.S. 
I was diagnosed with MS a year ago. I am in my mid 50's - I had MS for awhile undiagnosed. A week ago I had my second bone density test. My last one was …

Joint Swelling Caused by MS? 
Can joint swelling be caused by MS? I have had MS for 18 years, and about 8 months ago I fell and injured my shoulder joint. Now my finger (pinky) …

MS and Skin Disorders 
Question: Are there any examples of known skin disorders with MS? Reply: Yes, there are a few skin disorders that are more the result of nerve …

Work Accommodations 
My doctor signed a paper for my work for a medical accommodation stating that I was not able to work after 6pm due to my chronic fatigue and that people …

MS Diagnosis 
Hi, my name is Ronda. I developed Optic Neuritis in may 2011. I was admitted to the hospital and had so many tests. I had MRI of brain & then one …

Summer Heat and MS 
I was diagnosed with MS in December. My Dr. said I most likely had it for awhile. I noticed last summer I could not take the heat & I was running the …

What to do? 
Hi, my name is Chris and I am 25 years old. I live in a small oilfield south Texas town. My mother has M.S. and I'm not sure what stage it is but I know …

MS or Chronic Fatigue? 
I have been "diagnosed" with Chronic Fatigue - because all tests come back "normal". Recently, a 16 year old friend was diagnosed with MS, and as the …

Acute, Fulminate MS?? 
My sister who is 48 was recently diagnosed with acute, fulminate ms. It came on her quick and is not pretty. She has had 2 steroid treatments and has …

Pain in Head 
Like all with MS, I have problems with neurological pain in different parts of my body. There are not so bad ones and more severe ones. Lately though, …

What Should I Say? 
My wife was diagnosed with MS by doctors a short time ago. She has several of the symptoms of MS - the most common being fatigue, tremors, and some loss …

MS and Falls 
I recently had a slip and fall, one week into steroid therapy for an exacerbation. I stopped making progress about the same time. I was wondering if the …

Click here to write your own.

MS and Generalized Dystonia 
Question: Is MS related to generalized dystonia a rare movement disorder? REPLY: Hi N, Generalized dystonia and multiple sclerosis …

Pain in Left Side... 
...Near Thigh Bone I have been having pain in my left side for a couple of weeks now. It comes and goes. And I'm really getting tired of it. Does …

Juicing Info 
What is the best juicing recipe book and a good reasonable juicer?

Pain in the ribs 
After reading your site - the causes and symptoms of MS, it seems like my daughter has MS. I hope not, I will ask my doctor to run an MS test. My daughter …

Viral Infection  
Can a viral infection cause an MS flare up?

Meet People with MS 
I would just like to meet other people with MS. And (also) people who don't mind talking to people with MS. As I find when you tell people you have …

Type of car 
I would prefer to drive a sedan yet MS has not given me a choice! I want suggestions on cars. I am licensed and will modify the car with hand controls. …

Diet Questions 
We've just purchased your book("Gold Coast Diet") and are changing our eating habits to become more healthy. My wife has celiac disease and most "whole …

What if I start taking injections again? 
I stopped taking my Rebif about 2 years ago (secretly), but I still receive it every month. I feel I should start taking the injections again. Should …


Sister Has MS 
My sister was diagnosed 8-9 yrs ago with RRMS. She has been in (the) hospital for 2 weeks in a confused state and will be sent home on MON., (4/11/11). …

What Else? 
I have had MS for one year and been on Copaxone for that long. I am getting worse every day. Leg stiffness. Hand very numb. Feeling out of balance. …

I've been dizzy since March 2010 and was diagnosed with M.S. in August of 2010. (I'm) still dizzy and its now March of 2011. Do you know what can help …

MS Related Pain?? 
Question : I have been having pain in right lower abdomen since mid January, I have had all kinds of blood tests and scans to determine; but none can …

MS Medicines 
Question: What is the best MS medicine to be on? Answer: Hi Cheryl, Unfortunately, we can't tell you which MS medicine is best for you. …

My brother and I host a charity event. We have been rotating who we benefit each year. This year we would like to benefit MS, but I'm having a hard …

Why Do Injections Hurt? 
Question: Why do all of the injections hurt so much and cause such horrible reactions? I also have insulin dependent diabetes for 30 years. Now …

Help for Wall Walking? 
My balance is way off. I have to hang on to the walls and other things just to walk. Is there anything I can do to help this problem? M.

Why Is It.... 
Question: Why is it if you have a couple drinks you walk better? REPLY: Hi there, First of all, a little disclaimer. I am not going …

Someone just emailed me an article on turmeric and how good it is for MS...would you have anything "official" on this? REPLY: Hi Roseanne, …

Vertigo and digestion problems 
Hi Cir and Akrista, this is Rosanne. Have been woozy lately...ear doctor said no problem in ear. Can MS cause this? And can MS cause problems with …

What Can I Do? Lost My Job 
What can I do to get reinstated I asked for quieter work space, a cooler work space, communicated dizziness and numbness to employer and managers. …

How to Use a Cane 
Question: I don't understand the logic of using the cane opposite my weak leg? If my knee is going to collapse, I'd rather have support on that side. …

Asking about MRI's 
Does anyone know what it means when an MRI report starts referring to severe this and severe that? I have had MS 36 years, and I'd like a better understanding. …

Finding an Accessible Home 
Hello, My question is my wife has MS. She was diagnosed over 18yrs ago and she just turned 45. It's getting harder to take care of her and maintain …

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Older Onset MS? 
Comment First: Thank you for your site. It's encouraging to me! I am 53 and "may" have MS. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia when I was 45. Now, symptoms …

Available to Help? 
...Out a Fellow MS Patient in Michigan? I am the Northern MS Ambassador and I live in Michigan. We are struggling for a fundraiser to be held in April …

Do I Have MS?  
I have had severe vertigo for about ten yrs along with feet pain and numbness. The symptoms seemed to get better for about two yrs but have come back …

Has anyone tried this? Not rated yet
I read this article about MS and cryotherapy and have met someone with MS who swears by it. Has anyone here tried it? (Clicking the following link …

MRI Still the Same Not rated yet
Question: Hi, I was diagnosed 10 years ago with PPMS. 3 months ago I had another MRI and it hasn't changed. Do I have PPMS or is it a different one? …

Lost White Blobs in Brain in MS Not rated yet
Question Hi. I am Tina, 27 from Iran, I have MS. Please answer my question. May I lost white blobs in brain in MS???????? Thank u Reply: Hi Tina, …

People with Diabetes(type 1) and MS. Not rated yet
I am glad to hear there are other people who have both Diabetes (type 1) and MS. Q: I would like to know how other Diabetics are dealing with both …

Financial Assistance for Spousal Caregivers Not rated yet
...For MS Patients Question: Are there any financial assistance programs for spouses who have had to quit working to care for spouses with MS? …

Fraser Robinson III Not rated yet
Question: What year was Michelle Obama's father buried? Reply: Most public records say that he died in 1991 on March 6th. So, 1991 would be the …

Suggestions? Not rated yet
QUESTION: Memory loss and scrambled thoughts have progressed. Any suggestions on how to counteract these symptoms? I was recently diagnosed in 2012 …

Problems w|th speech Not rated yet
QUESTION: Recently I have been having problems trying to speak. It seems that when I try to speak the words will not come out. I feel short of breath. …

MS Problems? Not rated yet
Or Something Else? Question: My fingers are swollen and I keep getting chest pain and heart burns. I have MS. Reply: These are not necessarily …

Hearing loss? Not rated yet
Question: Have you ever heard of asymmetrical sensorineural hearing loss affiliated with MS? Reply: I've never heard of it but after a little research, …

MS is Tolerable Not rated yet
How do I transition from a lifetime of abuse/neglect and being the willing caregiver to now needing help? There is no answer for this. I just needed …

Trigeminal Neuralgia Not rated yet
Question: Hi, You don't mention TN. 4% of us MSers have it. It is a painful condition. Could you put information on it because I could not find anything …

Liberation treatment Not rated yet
Question: Has any one out there had this procedure a second time?

Teri Garr's Children Not rated yet
Question: How many children did Teri Garr have? Reply: Hi Richard, From what I can find out, Teri had one daughter, Molly. Teri was born …

Meeting Needs Not rated yet
MS entered my life bout 22 years ago. My son is a student majoring in product design and is interested in working on a project that would benefit individuals …

Don't Want to Lose My Mom Not rated yet
Is it true, you have only 5 to 10 years to live? My mom has MS and I don't want to lose her. REPLY: I'm so sorry to hear that you are afraid …

Is There Pain With MS? Not rated yet
I have MS... I went many years not diagnosed, but have been diagnosed for 5 years now. Montel mentioned he has a electrical shock pain that goes down …

Irate Not rated yet
I have had MS for over 12 years and accept it. A couple of weeks ago my brother (45) had what we thought was his second stress stroke. He has been undergoing …

What Can I do about Skin Sensitivities? Not rated yet
I think sometimes we can trick our bodies. It has sometimes worked for me to use either warm or cold water on my feet to stop the burning. It's also …

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