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Hearing loss?

by Linda
(Rootstown, OH)

Question: Have you ever heard of asymmetrical sensorineural hearing loss affiliated with MS?

Reply: I've never heard of it but after a little research, I found an article stating that it can be associated with neurological problems like MS, stroke, or migraines. It can also be associated with any number of things from infections, to other immune disorders like schleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, or ulcerative colitis.

It could also have hereditary or developmental causes. It could be attributable to age, trauma, certain medications, or a condition like diabetes or leukaemia. It could also be the only symptom of an intracranial tumor. It could be a symptom that leads to an MS diagnosis.

If it comes on suddenly, as in sudden SNHL or Meniere disease, you would need to see an Ear Nose and Throat – ENT specialist for treatment. Sudden hearing loss could also be accompanied by imbalance, vertigo or dizzyness, ringing in the ears, and on one side as in asymmetrical sensorineural hearing loss (ASNHL). The sooner assessment and treatment occurs, the better. This can prevent permanent hearing loss. In some cases, surgery may even be required if there is a tumour which can be removed.

There are several ways of treating the condition. Your doctor may suggest a low salt diet, diuretics, and betahistine. Steroids have also been used to treat the condition. If after treatment is received, some hearing loss may still be present. In these cases, you may need a hearing aid as well as rehabilitation in order to hear again.

As you can see, MS may very well be a cause, but there are so many other things that it can be as well. The best thing to do is see your doctor so that treatment can begin as soon as possible.

Hope this helps,


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