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Dazed and Confused

by Mama_C

I have been given various diagnoses over the last few years including fibromyalgia, but it seems to me that my signs and symptoms match MS a lot closer. Particularly since I have developed dizziness, lack of coordination, several falls, along with weakness and numbness in my right extremities, as well as a diagnosis of undifferentiated myelopathy.

However, there a few other symptoms I am having that I am not sure fit. This is going to sound strange, but I hate hot water and it feels like I am being stung by thousands of bees while I am trying to take a shower if the water is too warm. I have also had some mental status changes such as some memory loss and irritability.

I also know that sometimes MS patients have urinary problems, but the problem for me is, even though I urinate often and have problems with urgency, I have had to have bladder tack surgery. I guess my question is what do you all think? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Jun 06, 2012
No Questions...
by: Anonymous

... Are Odd In The World of MS

Have you had an MRI to check for MS Specific lesions? It does sound like MS to me, but I am not an MD. The heat affects most of us with MS, so your problem with the hot water does not sound odd at all. Also, urgency can be a big problem with many MS people. Both symptoms are usual in the diagnoses of MS.

I would have further testing done. See if you have an MS Neurologist or MS Center in your area for the best chance of a proper diagnosis. Good luck!

Nov 27, 2012
dazed and confused
by: Christine

I myself have problems with memory and that is normal for this disease. When I was diagnosed with MS it was because I was having memory problems.

I have been married 4 times and the first three marriages, I could not remember any of the dates that I married these men. I feel very sad that that is one of those memories that should be planted in my head and I haven't a clue. I am told that it depends on where the lesions are in your brain that effects your memory and different parts of your body.

My mother has MS as well as my brother... Maybe you could check your family bloodline and see if there was anyone in your family with MS. An MRI is a must.

Jan 05, 2013
ms incontinence
by: Anonymous

I have been incontinent for 4 years. End of the month I am having Botox injected into my bladder to calm the spasms. My doctors at URMC, Rochester, NY have had great success with bladder incontinence. Will keep you posted as I attempt to stop the incontionence with Botox.

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