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Play the MS Caption Contest!

"Announcing the MS Caption Contest! Ms. Mouse here and I'm here to tell you about a new contest coming to our site. What is it you ask? Well, if you've been coming to our site for awhile, you probably know all about the You Know You Have MS When... page, now featuring me, Ms. Mouse.

Well, now you'll be able to add the captions to my cartoons. And then, after everyone's had a chance to add one, we'll all vote and decide which one's the best. How cool is that? (I know. My best idea yet - can't you tell?)

So, won't you join me in making this game the next big hit? I know we can do this. We'll raise MS Awareness and have fun at the same time. Don't you just love it? Everyone will know all about me..., I mean multiple sclerosis, of course.

I'll be off now - I must get a mani-pedi... Just scroll on down to find out all the little details.

See you soon!

And oh, here's a link to the 4th cartoon caption contest if you can't wait to get started."

~ Ms. Mouse ~

Those Pesky little details...

Many times when I draw a cartoon, I can think of so many other captions that would fit. Trying to decide on one and leaving all the others on the table; I often wonder would another have been better.

And then it occurred to me that you've probably thought the same thing - and come up with more captions to the same cartoon. And, most likely, even better ones than I have.

Sooo, why not have a contest! I'll add the cartoons and you come up with the best caption! Fun, huh? I would love to see what you come up with and I'm sure there will be many captions to choose from when it's time to vote.

The name (and photo, if you like) of each winner will be added to our Wall of Fame.


MS Caption Contest Rules

The rules are simple:

  1. Think of a one line caption - up to 20 words - that will fit the cartoon and answers the question, You know you have MS when...
  2. No profane or offensive language will be permitted. Family-friendly captions only, please.
  3. Submit your caption in the comment section below the image by the deadline (See each individual cartoon image).
  4. Choose the best caption from all previous entries by voting in the poll.
  5. Come back at the end to see who the winner is when the next cartoon is posted.
  6. Try again if you didn't win and congratulations if you did!
  7. Check out previous weeks winners on the Wall of Fame!


So let's get started. The first cartoon image is available by clicking on the thumbnail link below (coming soon). It will take you to the page where you can find the full size image. Scroll down to add your comment/caption and read other visitors captions. 

In two weeks, all captions entered by the current deadline will be put into a poll where you can vote on the best one. The person with the winning entry will be added to the Wall and another cartoon will be available.

We have several cartoons lined up for the MS Caption Contest, so for now, each contest will last for two weeks. (This may change later, but we'll let you know before that happens.) You'll have two weeks to come up with a caption and one and a half weeks to vote. That will give us time to notify winners and update the pages.

Also, we'll be adding past cartoons to a page where you'll be able to add captions as well. These, however, won't be part of the contest. It will just be a place to add a caption you thought might fit the cartoon better.

Go back to the MS Cartoon Pages.

Go from MS Caption Contest to the Wall of Fame.

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Cir & Akrista

You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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