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Orbital Inflammatory Pseudotumor

by Karen
(Orchard Park, NY)

In July of this year I suddenly developed double vision. Neuro-opthamalogist diagnosed me with orbital inflammatary pseudotumor. Still on prednisone at 2.5 mg.

My question is - Can this be related to MS? I have done a lot of research on symptoms and find I have several.


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Dec 23, 2011
OIP and MS
by: Akrista

According to UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center), orbital inflammatory pseudotumor, or OIP, is "an inflammatory reaction in the orbital tissues that surround the eyes. It is a chronic condition that acts much like a brain tumor. Unlike a tumor, however, the pseudotumor does not spread and does not invade nearby tissues. It will, however, compress nearby structures."

These tumors can get better and go away on their own. Sometimes treatment, such as steroids, is needed. If there is excessive pressure on the eye, surgery may be done to relieve it. Some of the symptoms of this condition may be eye pain, double vision, restricted movement of the eye, and swollen and red eyelids. An ophthalmologist can tell if you have this by doing a CT or ultrasound scan.

There are a few similarities between MS and orbital inflammatory pseudotumor. One big one is the fact that it has to do with the nerves.

The diagnosis and treatment you talked about are right in line with what is normally done when someone has this condition. The symptom you mentioned – double vision – is also common to OIP, and MS.

If you have other symptoms which you think may be indicative of MS, then you should probably see a neurologist. Your neuro-opthalmologist may be able to refer you to someone.

You may be able to talk to him/her about any other symptoms you are having. It may be that you have multiple sclerosis, as well. I don't think OIP is necessarily related to MS, however.

Hope this helps,


Mar 29, 2013
by: Anonymous

Orbitial pseudotumors are usually idiopathic, meaning there is no known cause. The diagnosis of orbital pseudotumor is not an indicator of MS. There are some other autoimmune diseases like Sarcodosis that may be found in patients with orbital pseudotumor. Your primary care physician can run simple bloodwork to look into an underlying inflammatory cause. Depending on the findings you should be referred to a specialist.

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