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How to Find Live-in Cargivers

My husband has PPMS and has no movement from his neck down. We are looking for a live in caregiver. Don't know best way to go about it or what is fair to pay. We have a great house and they would have a nice living space. Private, clean, comfortable.


Hi there,
There are many companies that offer help with this type of service. Here are a couple names I found when doing research for a live-in caregiver.

Home Care Services Today
Care in Home

There are many more, however, if you'd like to read the article about how to hire a caregiver, click the link below. Some questions are bit more involved, so I choose to go ahead and write a page about them.

I found that the average pay for a caregiver or live-in caregiver would be around $19,000/year. Click on the link to read the article. It has a few tips for things to do when hiring a caregiver.

I hope it helps.

Take care,

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Jun 28, 2012
by: James

The hardest thing to do is manage your career while looking out for your parents. You can have a helping hand with the Fountain Valley Care Giver who will be there to aid you in the comfort of your aging parents.

Jul 19, 2012
by: Jamessha

The time will come where we grow old and needs someone to take care. The Fountain Valley Care Giver are the ones whom you can lean on. If you are busy with your career that it is really impossible to take good care of your parents, you can always lean on to them. Your love one is there love one too.

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