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Juicing Info

by Sue

What is the best juicing recipe book and a good reasonable juicer?

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May 24, 2011
Best Juicer, Best Book
by: Akrista

Hi Sue,

I say this at the risk of sounding biased, but I feel the best juicer is the Vitamix. That wasn't exactly your question, though. So let me try and answer that.

You asked what is a good "reasonable" juicer. I can answer that question in a couple of ways. One by giving you the names of juicers which are good but low in price, or by giving you the names of juicers that will give you the most value for the money.

The answer to the second would still be the Vitamix because it can do so many different things. It can replace several of your appliances - blender, food processor, ice cream maker - to name a few. If you want to find out more about it, click here.

The answer to the first question - a good, reasonable juicer - is a little different. Unfortunately, the answer to this question may get you a "good" juicer that may give you a "good" end result, but may not last as long. Meaning that some of the juicers out there can only do certain things - they're limited.

My mom had a juicer which couldn't juice bananas. Most juicers you have to prepare the fruit by removing seeds, skin, and cut it into small, manageable pieces before feeding them individually into the juicer.

Some are very difficult to clean after making your juice. You have to take apart all the little pieces, wash, dry, and put them all back together again. That's enough to discourage me from using a juicer regularly.

Another question you want to ask yourself, is how much you are willing to spend. Make yourself a price point - then decide what you want in a juicer. How much you are willing to compromise for quality and still be able to get what you want - good juice.

As far as the best juicing book is concerned, here are a few of my favorite authors, Cherie Calbom - Aka The Juice Lady. She's written several books on juicing, as well as my favorite smoothie book - The Ultimate Smoothie Book. (By the way, here are her top juicer picks (opens a new window). And here's a juice book that is online and free -(free is always good!) - The Juicing Book.

~ The Everything Juicing Book: All you need to create delicious juices for your optimum health... by Carole Jacobs

~ Total Juicing: Over 125 Healthful and Delicious and Healthful Ways to Use Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices and Pulp... by Elaine LaLanne

~ Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Juices... by John Heinerman

~ Green Smoothie Revolution: The Radical Leap Towards Natural Health... by Victoria Boutenko

Note: All links open a new window.

Hope that's enough to get you started.

Take care and healthy juicing!


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