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MS Medicines

by Cheryl
(North Carolina)


What is the best MS medicine to be on?


Hi Cheryl,
Unfortunately, we can't tell you which MS medicine is best for you. That depends on a lot of things:

  • What type of MS you have

  • How long you have have had MS

  • What symptoms you are having

  • Whether you want to take traditional or alternative medications or a combination of both

The best thing to do is to have an in depth discussion with your doctor. Some medications are specifically for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, while some will work with the more progressive types.

Some doctors will suggest using a combination of MS medications. Usually though, you use one of the disease modifying therapies at a time. These are:

These can be used with other medications to manage specific symptoms. You can also take alternatives like vitamins as long as the vitamins don't counteract the medications you decide to take.

Some vitamin supplements that have been strongly suggested are D3 and B 100. Vitamin D3 has been shown to be lacking in many people with MS. Cir's doctor suggested giving this to our children and taking it ourselves. The suggested dose was at least 6,000mg a day.

For B 100, Cir has taken this since he learned that he might have MS. It is helpful for your nerves. His doctor is always saying how well he's doing - not sure how much it has to do with the vitamins he takes regularly or not. But we're sure it has helped.

Sorry if we can't be of more help. But no one knows you more than you. You and the people on your health care team should be able to decide which MS medications are best for you. And even then, you are an active member of your team.

If one medication doesn't work for you, there's nothing that says you can't stop and try another one. Cir has tried almost all of the disease modifying drugs at least once. He found that the interferons don't work for him. He can, however, take Copaxone.

And he's even taken a break from Copaxone for a bit (didn't like getting stuck everyday). He eventually went back to it, though. He felt that he should at least take something to slow the progression of the disease.

Hope this helps you to decide which medication(s) is right for you.


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Jun 17, 2014
ms med
by: tina

I am Tina from Iran.
I use Betaseron (Germany) for my MS.
It is perfect and excellent for me.
Good luck

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