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Lost White Blobs in Brain in MS

by Tina

QuestionHi. I am Tina, 27 from Iran, I have MS. Please answer my question. May I lost white blobs in brain in MS????????

Thank u

Reply: Hi Tina,
The short answer to your question is yes. You can lose the white blobs in your brain. The long answer is how do you lose them. Although most doctors will say no, that this can't happen, there are people who have healed their MS by doing certain things.

If you have white blobs that have gotten smaller or disappeared (gotten lost), then you may be doing something that has caused them to go away. There is a doctor, Terry Wahls, who reversed her MS by changing her diet, thus causing her white blobs to shrink or disappear.

If your white blobs are going away, perhaps you are getting the nutrition your body/brain needs to repair itself. If they are going away on their own and you have not changed your diet or anything else, then maybe your doctor mis-read the results of your MRI and there were none to begin with. Or perhaps, your body was able to repair some of them, but not all of them.

I'm not sure about your situation. Only you can know that. Evaluate your lifestyle and any changes you've made in the last few months or so. If you have made good changes, like taking better care of yourself by eating better, exercising, getting more sun or vitamin D3, then keep it up.

If not, then, maybe the reduction in the number of blobs is something new that happens to some people. Do you feel better? Do you have less symptoms? If you answered yes, then this is good and I wouldn't question it.

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Take care,

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