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Pain in the ribs

by Evelyn
(Stavanger, Norway)

After reading your site - the causes and symptoms of MS, it seems like my daughter has MS. I hope not, I will ask my doctor to run an MS test.
My daughter has complained about this pain for 3-4 years. The pain is in her ribs that goes on and off. It started on her left side ribs and now she also has the same symptoms on her right ribs side.

The problem is really blocking her from doing her school activities. Our family doctor took so many routine tests and x-rays and still doesn't find anything wrong with her. It seems so hopeless for her and also for me.

The pains began at 10-11 years (of age), and now she is 15 years old. But I think the aspartame in chewing gums is one of the causes of her problems for I know she had started chewing gum at an early age, and I told her to stop it due to aspartame. But she doesn't listen since she is saying that all of her friends are doing the same.

But now, when I get home today I will stop all the buying and throw away all the chewing gums at home. And all (items) with aspartame will be banned (from our) home from today.

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May 24, 2011
Good For You!
by: Akrista

Good For You, Evelyn.

At least in your home, for your family and yourself, you can insist on healthy foods and make the decisions that will make a difference. Hopefully your daughter will see how eating more healthy makes her feel better. And hopefully this difference is enough to giver her the incentive to keep doing it when she's not at home.

Hope this works to help relieve her pain. Also, be sure and read all the labels on the food you buy. There may be other food additives which can cause just as much havoc as aspartame. Or the aspartame may be in other things you didn't expect or realize - so check labels on the products in your cupboard and begin checking them before you purchase.

Take care and let us know how it goes. We wish only the best for you and your daughter.


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