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Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Alternative treatments for multiple sclerosis are everywhere, just as for other diseases. And like many who suffer from a chronic illness, you no doubt, have searched for alternative treatments or at least wondered about them.

I'm sure you've looked for therapies to deal with the challenges you have. These challenges can be physical or emotional. You look for things to help you cope with the day to day uncertainties. This is usually where alternative treatments for MS come in to the picture.

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We know there's no cure for multiple sclerosis. But as Cir's general practitioner says - "If it helps and doesn't hurt, then go ahead and try it." He did give us his opinion when necessary. We appreciate that he is willing to work with us when it comes to Cir's alternative treatments for multiple sclerosis or any other types of therapies.

Bee by Antonio Machado_Flickr

Read through the list below. Discuss the ones you are interested in with your doctor or neurologist. Realize, however, that many doctors will probably discourage you from using any complimentary alternative medicines also known as CAM. There are some out there though, who do not mind if you try other things as long as they aren't harming you and don't interfere with any medications you are taking.

Be prepared for this. Traditional doctors may give you a bit of a hard time, but many will ultimately leave the decision of what you take up to you. And many times the alternatives are things you can do along with the traditional medicines available. Anyone can improve their diet or begin exercising. All of these are good for everyone whether you have MS or not.

Be careful also, some people are just out to make a buck on anyone who is vulnerable. They actively seek out people like MSers who will try anything just to get relief. Do your research. And please watch your wallet. Some natural remedies or natural cures are not what they claim to be. They need to be researched thoroughly.

Also, be sure to read our disclaimer before trying anything. We are not doctors or health professionals. We only offer information about what is out there and what others are doing. You and your doctor should make decisions based on your individual situation.

Click the links below for more information on each alternative treatment for multiple sclerosis.

Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Want more information on the above treatments? Try the resources below. And here are links to our pages on Complimentary Alternative Medicines or CAM Part 1, and Part 2.

Recommended Websites

The premiere wellness destination on the web, EnvyMyHealth.com has information on holistic, New Age, and organic lifestyles. From aromatherapy to zen gardens, and everything in between, EnvyMyHealth.com has what you're looking for.

What Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis have you tried?

Have you tried any alternative treatments for multiple sclerosis? Do you still use this treatment? Is it working for you? Would you recommend it to others?

I'm sure you have stories about the alternative treatments you've tried. Cir tried bee sting therapy, but didn't get any help from it plus he didn't like getting stung!

Share your experiences, good or bad, right here! Share a testimonial if you've found something that works.

Want to read what Other Visitors Have Said?

Click below to read stories about the Alternative Treatments other visitors have contributed to this page...

Life Extension Supplements 
I use Life Extension Supplements. I stay away from gluten, sugars, eat organic. I exercise, even though it is painful. I was diagnosed 5 years ago, but …

The MS Recipe 
I use a basic set of 5 Therapeutic-Grade essential oils from Young Living Essential Oils. I found this "recipe" in a book that my mom had and decided …

My Alternative MS Fix 
I have been using an almost totally alternative method to keep my RRMS in remission for the last ten years. Take only one low cost drug, (not a steroid). …

Click here to write your own.

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Cir & Akrista

You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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