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The LISOMS Bookshelf

Have you ever wished for a LISOMS Bookshelf? Or at least a way that you could download the pages on our site and read them at your leisure? Well now you can! Each of the books below takes a popular topic and compiles it into ebook format. You can read them on your Kindle, and if you don't have one of those, you can download a free Kindle app for your Nook, Ipad, or other ereader.

This is only the beginning. More ebooks will be coming soon. Collect them all, from poems to questions, to living with MS. You'll find them all here on the bookshelf.

More LISOMS Bookshelf eBooks

Here are a few more examples of the next titles we'll soon be adding to the bookshelf. Each one will be about one of the popular pages here at Life in Spite of MS.

  • More Questions More Answers  - this book contains the rest of the questions visitors have asked so far on our site.
  • Living with MS - this book will talk about all the things you have to deal with when living with multiple sclerosis.
  • The Accessible Home - More and more accessibility features are becoming a smart solution when building, buying, or planning your dream home. This book will give you suggestions for what to include.
  • MS and Relationships - Everyone has relationships, spouses, partners, children, friends - and as an MSer, you face unique challenges in each of these relationships. What are they and how do you deal with them?
  • The MS Diet Resource Guide - What types of diets are recommended for you when you have MS? Are there some that are better? Or worse? This guide will address the MS diets that seem to be helping and make suggestions about what you maybe should avoid.
  • The MS Caregivers Guide - Are you a caregiver? Then this ebook is for you. It will address all the issues that caregivers of MSers deal with, as well as resources available for you.
  • MS and Travel - As an MSer, you may be finding it easier to travel even with your condition. And if you've held back from discovering the world, you may be surprised to know that there are many accessible destinations out there.

Have these titles whet your appetite? Would you like to see any more of our site pages turned into ebooks other than those listed above? Well, give us an idea of what you'd like to see by contacting us here. Your suggestions will help us meet your needs and those of future visitors. 

And bookmark this page, so you can find it easily when you want to check for any updates, or use the RSS feed button to the left to keep you in the loop. 

Go back to the Home page from LISOMS Bookshelf.

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Cir & Akrista

You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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