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Help - 4 Family Members with MS

by K.

I feel my efforts to find help for 4 family members who suffer from MS, is like David and Goliath. Feel every organization has been contacted, and every 800 number called.

Therefore, this source and recommendation of reading information and now knowing Michelle's Father has it, I will send my requests to her. Praying she can assist.

The four are Black; two sisters, a brother, and a nephew. Our mother died from complications with MS 4 years ago. Medicaid and medicare don't come close to covering our needs. I am also reaching out to the medical field (i.e. Ben Carson).

Feel special attention should be given to determine the cause, no history. One sister is gravely handicapped, can't walk or talk. Two retired from work by age 40. Nephew is in late 20's, and already using a cane; which is a symptom of more advanced MS.

Thank You!


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Jan 05, 2012
Don't Give Up
by: Akrista

Hi K.,
I'm so sorry to hear about your family situation. I have two brothers in my family who have MS and also no family history that I know of. On top of that my husband, Cir has it, although there are no other immediate members of his family that have it.

If you have called everyone that you can think of - that is the first step. Not sure where you live - if you could share that - maybe a visitor might know of some clinic or doctor that you may not have thought of. Also, if you can share the organizations you have contacted, that may help others to fill in the blanks if there are any.

Also, knowing that your mother had it and died from complications 4 years ago, is also enough to cause you to feel that this problem is almost impossible to figure out on your own. It's good that you are still willing to keep searching to find help for your family members.

I don't know of anything more that you can do other than what you're doing now. Don't give up searching for someone who can help you. I will start looking for resources as well and will comment back when I find anything that I think might be of help to you and your family.

Take care,


Jan 05, 2012
Thanks for Quick Reply
by: K.

Hi Akrista,
Thanks for your quick reply. I live in MD. Most of my family live in N.C. Nephew in Buffalo. In addition to my efforts, sending request for assistance and support to Michelle Obama. Her father has MS.

Also, via US Mail, sending request to The Washington Post, The Today Show, John Hopkins Univ. We certainly need financial support, but equally important is to have the story told via a broad well known media. This method will definitely catch the ear of the medical community.

Akrista, wish I had thought of these sources much, sooner. Will also continue to seek support from companies, Medical schools, (RX mfg of MS drugs) and media.

Have A Blessed Day!!


Jan 05, 2012
Someone Will Help
by: Akrista

Hi K,
So glad you are getting things done and thinking of more resources that could possibly help. Your situation is unique because there are so many of your family members involved.

And yes, Fraser Robinson - Michelle's father - did have MS. I'm not sure how he died, but he passed away in 1991. I was hoping Michelle Obama would choose multiple sclerosis as her platform when she became the First Lady, but perhaps she or someone will see this and answer your requests for help.

Take care,


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