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No Diagnosis...

by Anonymous

I don't have a diagnosis, but I have the lesions and a whole lot of the symptoms. I am in a flare up of whatever I have. It is much worse than before. I don't understand why it seemingly goes away, and then comes back with a vengeance.

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Dec 10, 2011
If it's MS...
by: Akrista

If it is MS, then you probably have one of the relapsing types of MS. With this type, your symptoms come and go over a period of time. You may completely return to the way you were before the relapse, or you may retain some disability from the symptoms you have.

You may be symptom free for months or even years. Or your symptoms may return in a few weeks, like you said - worse than ever. Everyone's symptoms and course of multiple sclerosis is different.

You may have mild symptoms or your symptoms may land you in the emergency room.

If you don't have a diagnosis, you need to go to your doctor and get referred to a neurologist. A specialist is the best doctor to find out if you have MS or something else.

There are many other conditions that cause relapses. A neurologist can rule out everything else.

Dec 11, 2011
Please Get a Diagnosis
by: RJT

For whatever reason, you haven't been diagnosed. Please get a diagnosis. You probably already know this, but whatever the ailment, it can't be properly treated until it is diagnosed. Some of your problems can be treated relatively easy and if it is MS, a treatment regimen must be implemented before irreversible damage is done.

Personal experience has taught me that. And I have a dear friend going through a similar situation. Godspeed with a diagnosis, treatment, and hopefully recovery. You are in my prayers.

Best of luck

Jan 17, 2012
by: Carol

I understand your feelings and emotions. I am going through the same things myself. I was referred to a falls specialist [who is not a neurologist] despite MRI showing 5 white blobs on my brain, the falling, numbness, eye props, and all the other symptoms that seem to recur over ten years, I was still not referred to a neurologist.

I am going to ask my GP to do this for me. Have you seen a neurologist, had MRI spinal tap etc., Don't give up pushing for your diagnosis, whatever it is it needs treatment sooner rather than later. It's like living life in limbo isn't it.


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