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Meet People with MS

by S.

I would just like to meet other people with MS. And (also) people who don't mind talking to people with MS. As I find when you tell people you have multiple sclerosis they just seem to run...

Thank you

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Apr 24, 2011
People with MS
by: Akrista

Hi S.

I understand what you mean. I don't have MS, but my husband Cir does. We've run across some very rude people who treat us differently when they find out that he has MS. Here's a funny story about one person in particular - Is MS Contagious. Meanwhile, you need to find a place where people are more accepting and who don't mind talking to others who have multiple sclerosis.

First of all, we have a Facebook page and people seem to be pretty friendly over there - here is the link - Life in Spite of MS Facebook Page (will open a new window). We also have a forum - The Link - which is not as active as I would like, but that is there for you to join as well.

Thanks so much for visiting our site and hopefully you will find some friends here.


Apr 24, 2011
People with MS
by: Dennis Szczepanski

A while back I wrote a bit of a story about a wonderful girl I knew back some 40 or so years ago. And by chance I had the opportunity to see her again. She, at that time when I was 19 years old, was the love of my life. As kids we use to watch all the Annette F. shows like Beach Blanket Bingo and such.

My girlfriend happened to look exactly like her. Could of been a twin. After all these years, she told me over the phone she had MS just like Annette. Strange how things work. Anyway, Ms nor anything else could keep me from seeing her again.

After all the years between us, the first thing she did was give me a great big hug and kiss and tell me she loved me. How great is that??. I have seen her several times since. She has had so many stories to tell me about her life in those 40 years. I of course have had mine to tell also.

She has a man at her side now but I know in her heart there is place there for me as well as a place in my heart for her. We were so close back then during the Vietnam War era and with all the time and things that have happened to her, she is very strong. She is in pain everyday and takes her medication. She today is a lot braver than I was 40 years ago when I had to leave for the call of duty.

I thank God that he has given me the opportunity to find her and know her again. MS or no MS she is still the same person. I can almost bet that everyone who has this terrible illness truly has not changed inside and are still the same person. So when people run or turn away, when they find out someone has MS, they very well could be running from themselves.

Thank You

May 02, 2011
It's Unpredictable
by: Candace Harrison

Yes, that is soo true, they run or act like they don't even know you..I have M.S. and some people act like I'm invisible or something is wrong with me.. Some (act) like they don't even know me when I go out.. But my husband still treats me like I'm normal...

I guess its expected for other people cause they don't understand and some don't try to understand which is the sad part..Just got to try to keep your head up and remember that everyone will not understand what you are going through.

Oct 17, 2011
Meeting People
by: steve

I was diagnosed 3 yrs ago and this is true; people seem to avoid me when they find out I have MS. I would just love to meet someone with ms so we can discuss our situations. Very lonely these days.

Dec 12, 2011
My Partial MS Regimen
by: Robert Thompson

Some DO act like your not even there. Or, your just crazy or stupid. Your input is no good. I DID think I was CRAZY. But I guess I knew that LONG before I was diagnosed!!! HAHAHA LOL!!!

It does help the person with MS or any other illness to laugh and make light of a dreadful situation. It's one of the ways we can fight an enemy we can't see.

Another is PRAYER! And one way I fight the "monkey" is my FAITH! I know that when I die, me and the "ms Monkey" will once and for all part company. I'm happy to say that the "monkey" can go to HELL cause in our Father's House, there is no sickness. There are no tears. There are no broken hearts. There is no pain. There are no lies. There is no lonely . There is no darkness. There is no cold. There is no suffering. There are No MRIs. There are no bills. The "mortgage" was paid in full some 2000+,- years ago.

Ultimately, these are the comforts of my faith that get me through the "bad" days of my life,---plus a little help of Baclofen, B50, Turmeric, aspirin, Advil, Acetil Carnitine, Lectithin, Adoral, Melotonin for sleep-it don't leave you with a "pint" hangover the next morning, etc.

Mar 11, 2012
Meeting people
by: Rhonda

I agree with Steve. When you say you have MS it's like you have a ghost on your shoulder and people decide to run away. I am a single woman and would like to meet s nice friend but....... I guess either I get scared or I'm just looking in the wrong place. Anybody else have this problem ?

Jan 15, 2014
Life is passing me bye
by: Wayne Lee

Life is passing me bye, awake early to stiffness/pain in lower back. Daughter gone off to college. Former wife, is remarried. Adjusted to new financial bracket, people at work, look on to me. He should not be working with those problems, but inside I know I must push on to maintain my status, working while disabled to maintain Medical insurance. AT times, I feel embarrassed of my glaring weakness of disability, I stay home when not working b/c I feel different from the normal population. How will I meet anyone if I do not engage with the normal population? Just got back from visiting Mom/family on the reservation. Gave me some other perspective on life, that there is some life out there, than the routine of employment.

Jun 03, 2014
Needing friends with ms
by: ann

Like Steve and others who have MS, I too, have MS and am very lonely. Where do we go to meet and make friends? I would love to meet and make friends with others who have MS.

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