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What Can I Do? Lost My Job

by Margaret Johnson
(Nashville TN)

What can I do to get reinstated

I asked for quieter work space, a cooler work space, communicated dizziness and numbness to employer and managers. The hot environment was too much. I was terminated and told although I had made some progress... I was not at the level they needed.


Hi Margaret,

Here is a quick answer to your question. I will answer in more detail when I do a little more research.

As far as I can see from the little information you provided, your employer fired you illegally. You asked for what is called reasonable accommodations - a cooler, quieter workspace. This, in my opinion, was not a good reason to let you go.

Tri-County Independent Living is a non-profit organization that advocates for people with disabilities. You can also call or write the National MS Society in your area. They will also be able to give you answers as to what you can and should do.

I don't know all of your circumstances, so can't tell you specifically what to do. An advocate can sit down with you and give you specific answers to your situation.

Hope this helps.


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Jun 18, 2010
Advocates for Disabilities
by: Akrista

Here are a few numbers for Independent Living Centers in your area. You can start there. Also try the NMSS in your area - They may be able to provide you with resources and phone numbers more specific to your case.

Jackson Center for Independent Living
231 North Parkway
Jackson, TN 38305
Ph: 901-668-2211
TDD: 901-668-1772
Fax: 901-668-0406

Memphis Center for Independent Living
1633 Madison Ave.
Memphis, TN 38104
Ph: 901-726-6404

CIL of Middle Tennessee
480 Craighead Street Suite 200
Nashville, TN 37204
Ph: 615-292-5803
615-383-1176 Fax

Tri-State Resource & Advocacy Corp.
3645-G Brainerd Road
Chattanooga, TN 37411
Ph: 615-622-2172

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