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Lost My Job - What to Do?

by Anonymous

I've been on Rebif therapy for 6 years. I lost my job and (health) insurance and will run out of meds (by the) end of December. Where can I go to get help?

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your job and your health insurance, as well as the resulting loss of your meds at the end of December. There are a few things you can do.

For your meds:
1 - Call Rebif 1-877-447-3243 to find out if you qualify for the MS LifeLines Access Made Simple program, or
2 - MS LifeLines Reimbursement Specialists at the same number to see about Patient Assistance Program. (Above links open a new window.)

For public assistance: (if you need it)
3 - For immediate help, get in touch with Job and Family Services in your County. They can help you with your immediate needs, like food, medical, and money to pay for rent, etc. - this may be called something like PRC - Prevention, Retention, and Contingency Program.

For your job:
4 - If you can still work, the unemployment office would most likely be your next stop.
5 - If you can no longer work, then the Social Security Administration would be your next call. You would get SSI - Supplemental Security Income - until your application for SSDI - Social Security Disability Insurance - is approved.

This may take up to a year or more, depending on how thorough you are at filling out your application and how quickly your doctor is at getting his information completed. You may be denied, but don't take this as a definite no. Keep trying.

There are many non-profits and programs available which can help you, at least for the present, until you can get other assistance in place. Job and Family Services in your city will have access to local numbers and addresses of people who can help you right away. Take advantage of them. Don't feel too proud to accept help, wherever it comes from.

Hope this helps,


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Dec 21, 2011
This site is helpful...
by: Anonymous

Reading this post and the impressive helpful advice goes to show that the owner of this site truly cares. Very helpful and detailed response that addresses more than the original poster's question. Kudo's to this site, It has been very helpful in so many areas.

Dec 22, 2011
Thanks for Your Help
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for your helpful information. I never thought I would be faced without a job so soon in life. It is so overwhelming I didn't know where to start first for help. Things are much better for me as I heard my unemployment went thru & will receive benefits within next 2 weeks.

There is a GOD who watches over us. Happy Holidays and thank you again for your help.

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