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Thin Myelin in Brain

by Carol
(Cornwall UK)

Hi, I am a 58 yr old female. I was referred to a clinic specializing in unexplained falls, because over recent months I have fallen several times.

Over the last decade I have had spells of absolute fatigue lasting from a few hours to a few days. Also dizzy spells, numbness, brain fog, constipation, weakness in legs and arms. I have osteoarthritis and received therapy for PTSD and clinical depression for three years.

Most of the symptoms have been put down to the depression or trapped nerves in my neck, I have cervical spondylosis. But the MRI the specialist requested revealed thin myelin in brain. I see the specialist on 10th Jan but am very anxious to know one way or the other.


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Jan 04, 2012
Maybe MS, Maybe Not
by: Akrista

Hi Carol,
First of all, let me say that I am not a doctor, nurse, or any type of professional so anything I say is just my opinion or thoughts.

I understand your frustration and your reasons for wanting to know now (rather than later), whether or not you have MS. For many potential MS patients, the time spent waiting for a diagnosis is just as stressful as having the condition itself.

The symptoms you spoke of; "Over the last decade I have had spells of absolute fatigue lasting from a few hours to a few days. Also dizzy spells, numbness, brain fog, constipation, weakness in legs and arms," are very common in people with MS.

Also the fact that you have "thin myelin in the brain" points to possible MS. Multiple sclerosis can cause the myelin to be thin or missing altogether in spots. The sclerosis comes about when your body attempts to repair the damage. Instead of a nice smooth finish, you get scars.

The symptoms you experience are the result of this sclerosis of the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves.

After looking up cervical spondylosis, many of the symptoms, like weakness, are similar to those of MS. And certainly the numbness and weakness could be caused by your present condition.

I didn't find where your condition would cause thinning of the myelin, however. You could have had MS for many years and it's just been overlooked by doctors because of the similarity in symptoms.

Unfortunately, that happens. A patient has one condition and they or the doctors blame everything on that condition. Even in the case of those who have MS, patients need to let their doctors know of each new symptom.

Doing this will make sure that you are treated accurately for whatever is wrong. At the very least, if it is a symptom caused by the condition you already have, whether MS or something else, you'll know for sure.

When you see the specialist on the 10th, they should be able to tell you if you have MS or not. If you do, it will answer many of the questions you've had over the years. If not and you feel you need a second opinion, don't hesitate to find another neurologist.

Keep asking questions until you and the doctor are absolutely sure that multiple sclerosis is ruled out.

Hope this helps,


Jan 06, 2012
Thin Myelin in Brain
by: Carol

Thank you very much for your reply. At least now I know what questions to ask the doctor on 10th. I will get back to you with any answers they may give me.

Thank u again...,


Cornwall UK

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