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Is it a Seizure?

I have a friend with MS. Several times, when in the middle of a conversation, he will go into a trance with his eyes half closed. It will last only a matter of five to ten seconds, and then he seems to come back to his senses. Could a seizure be taking place or is it most likely fatigue.

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Dec 20, 2011
Maybe, Maybe Not
by: Anonymous

According to the MS Society, seizures are not a common symptom of multiple sclerosis. They do talk about it in the video below, however, as a symptom that can be managed.

Seizures in the general population occur at a rate of 3%. In the MS population, they occur at a rate of 2% to 5%. These rates are very similar.

If I were an expert, (which I'm not), I'd say that it had more to do with fatigue or something else. Possibly one of his medications or the cognitive issues that many MSers deal with.

He could be one of the 2% to 5% who have seizures and the only way to know this for sure is if he talks to his doctor about the symptom. If he drives, that 5 to 10 seconds could put him and others in danger.

Encourage him to check it out with his doctor. He's very lucky to have a friend who is concerned about him. MSers need people around them who are supportive and willing to be there no matter what happens. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Hope this helps. I will keep researching and if I find out anything else, I'll comment again.

Take care,


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