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MS in the Eyes

by Sue
(New York, NY)

I have a friend who recently has been diagnoised with MS, but stronger in his eyes. They have told him he is going blind, is there any chance that won't happen or will the medication help with preventing him from going totally blind?


Hi Sue,

Sorry for taking so long to answer. I am not sure about this type of MS - stronger in the eyes. I have heard of this happening. My doctor asked about it when I told him my husband had MS. He wanted to know if my husband was blind.

When my husband began experiencing optic neuritis back in the 90's he was working in a health food store. The research he did led him to take vitamin B 100 which he has been doing ever since. He has only had 2 episodes of optic neuritis which were bad.

The research said these vitamins were very good for the nerves, especially those in the eyes. At this point, because your friend has experienced significantly more serious problems with his eyes, I'm not sure how much the vitamins will help - they certainly won't hurt, I'm sure.

At the time my husband began taking the vitamins he wasn't yet taking any of the MS medications. but since then he has settled with Copaxone which has the least side effects for him. He also takes LDN (low-dose naltrexone), and a few other medicines to control his other symptoms.

He rarely has exacerbations and when he does have a particularly bad day, it doesn't last very long. Do a little research for alternative treatments for eye problems. This may help, and unfortunately - something you both have to be prepared for - it may be too late to reverse the damage already done.

One thing Cir, my husbands, doctor told him was that if he ever developed optic neuritis or any other eye problems, to get in to see him right away for a dose of steroids. Because once the damage is done, it's near impossible to reverse it.

Hope this helps and also hope that something will help to stop or at least slow down the course of your friends MS.

Take care,


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Jul 16, 2012
by: Anonymous

CCSVI treatment has been known to help MS patients with sight problems.

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