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MS and Generalized Dystonia

by N.


Is MS related to generalized dystonia a
rare movement disorder?


Hi N,

Generalized dystonia and multiple sclerosis are related only in the sense that they are both neurological. In MS, only the CNS is involved. The way I understand it, in dystonia, the PNS (peripheral nervous system), which connects the CNS to the limbs and organs, is also involved.

Dystonia mainly affects the muscles. It is a neurological movement disorder. Involuntary muscle contractions cause twisting, repetitive movements, or abnormal postures. In MS, the myelin of the nerves is damaged, so that signals to certain parts of the body are disrupted. This can cause weakness and even go as far as paralysis.

Generalized dystonia affects most of the body, frequently involving the legs and back. There are several other types of dystonia, each affecting muscles in different areas of the body. It can be hereditary, but it can have other causes like physical trauma, infection, poison (i.e. lead poisoning), or a reaction to a pharmaceutical drug.

Like MS (multiple sclerosis), there is no cure at present. Treatment is limited to minimizing the symptoms. So, there are a few similarities in the two disorders, but I wouldn't say they are closely related. If anyone else knows differently, please jump right in with an explanation.


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Jul 17, 2012
CBD rich tinctures to treat MS
by: Anonymous

Email from an MS Patient taking Rich CBD (Opens in a new window - but first read my reply)


I wasn't quite sure what CBD rich tinctures were and had to do a little research before posting this reply. Sounds promising. Here goes:

Hi there!

Thanks so much for the link to this website about rich CBD and its benefits for those with MS. It will be a welcome benefit when it arrives here in the US. My hubby experiences spasticity and spasms every day and especially at night when going to sleep. Sometimes so much that they wake him from sleep – and they occasionally wake me up as well.

I was wondering how he could get by on so little sleep, and no doubt this is the reason he keeps waking up at night. I hope that some day soon, this medicine will be available here in the United States for patients with multiple sclerosis. I'm sure the quality of their lives will be greatly improved with it's regular use.

I'd love to hear of others who are in countries where this is available – what were your experiences with CBD? Would you recommend it to others? Do your symptoms eventually go away while taking this medication? How long have you been taking it? The doctor mentioned that many were able to lessen the dose over time. Did this happen to you?

If anyone would like to share their experiences with this medicine for MS, I and I'm sure our visitors would love to find out more. Please share with us what it has done for you.

For those of you who are in the dark about this natural medication, here is the information to go along with the link above, as well as another link below.

The company – GreenBridge Medical – has come up with a unique way to administer the most helpful ingredients - namely cannabidiol to MS patients to treat their symptoms. The benefits of cannabis for people with MS, have long been known. In Los Angeles, tinctures, extracts, and drops have been available for years as one way to take cannabis for those who don't want to smoke it.

Cannabidiol is very similar in that you get the beneficial effects of THC without the psycho activity or “stony” feeling. It also contains analgesic and other properties that are helpful to MS patients. CBD is showing to be very active in helping control the “underlying nerve and muscle abnormalities” as well as the inflammation associated with multiple sclerosis.

Hopefully the wait for this helpful medication will soon be over for those suffering with the sometimes dibilitating symptoms of MS. The visitor link goes to an email from an MS patient who had just started taking CBD. You are welcome to follow it, as well as this one, to the GreenBridge Medical website where this new medicine has as they say, “arrived”

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