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"Can someone help?"

by Lisa
(Syracuse, NY, USA)

I have been experiencing foot spasms (primarily at night though do happen during the day)
for a few years. I have had radiating spasms in my forearms and fingers as well. Last month I had both of my hips replaced (I'm 44 y/o).

Since then I've had numbness in both of my hips and often times, I'll experience electric/sharp shoots of pain in my legs. I don't know if these symptoms are due to my surgery or if these are somehow connected to the sensations I had prior to.

I see a neurologist in October though I'm driving myself crazy with the anticipation (let me also mention that I'm a nurse so my mind is wandering with all the "this could be..."). If anyone has any info please let me know.
Thanks very much.

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Sep 13, 2016
Do You Have MS?
by: Akrista

Hi Lisa,
Just wondered, have you been diagnosed with MS? Or have you seen a doctor about your symptoms? I think that is the best course of action if you haven't. I know you can drive yourself crazy when you don't know what's happening - or rather the reason something is happening.

As you mentioned, the symptoms you're having could be due to many different things. The best thing is to talk to your doctor. Most likely the symptoms may be aggravated by your recent surgery and not necessarily caused by it.

Get a referral to a neurologist to see if they can at least rule out MS and/or let you know what the cause for the spasms in your feet and hands is from.

I hope you find answers soon,

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