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The MS Recipe

by Susan Stone
(St. Augustine, FL, USA)

I use a basic set of 5 Therapeutic-Grade essential oils from Young Living Essential Oils. I found this "recipe" in a book that my mom had and decided to try it out.

I was amazed at how much better I had started feeling after two weeks of applying the oils along my spine from the brain stem downward. I progressively got better and haven't had an exacerbation in 3 years.

Once I felt better, I joined my local YMCA and started going to water aerobics classes. By the end of the summer, my balance was significantly improved and I was able to start taking some other "land" classes. Now you will find me at the gym almost everyday.

Along with my oils and exercise, I also try to stay away from gluten and do my best to get organic food when possible.

The oils were a little expensive, but it was worth it to me to feel better and feel better without prescription drugs. I decided to become a distributor to get the discount to help alleviate the cost. It actually helped point me into a new direction to be able to help other people.

My basic set of oils I use for this is: Basil, Rosemary, Peppermint, Helichrysum, and Wintergreen. I rubbed the oils on myself, but it helps if you have someone to drop the oils onto your back and rub them down the spine (if issues are with the lower half of your body) or up the spine (if you are suffering from cognitive issues).

I rubbed both ways when I first started out. Now I only go upwards. If you decide to do this protocol, please make sure to use only Therapeutic-Grade oils (100% Pure oils)that state they are GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe). If the oils (other than Wintergreen) state that they are not safe for consumption, then do not use them as they may have been mixed with something or not grown in an ideal situation.

You can also feel free to contact me with any questions.

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Apr 10, 2012
essential oils
by: Lise

I am curious that arnica is not part of this potion. I use something similar but it has arnica as well which is well known for it's healing properties. And if you are willing to share, I would also like to know what type of MS you have.

Let me know your thoughts,


Apr 11, 2012
RE: Arnica
by: Susan

@ Lise: I have RRMS and was going downhill with a lot of exacerbations hitting me a few years ago. That is when I decided that the RX weren't working and I wanted to go back to how I was raised... holistically.

I too use arnica for pain relief sometimes in my lower back after exercising. I love the product called "The Rub" but thankfully don't need to use it very often anymore.

Jun 13, 2012
by: jill

I too, have MS and was wondering how many times you did this. Daily, couple times daily. Did u ever use ortho ease?

Jun 13, 2012
MS Oils Frequency of Use
by: Anonymous


When I first started using the oils, I did this regime once per day. I did find that Helichrysum was my key oil in the whole group and tended to use that one a couple more times per day (inhaling it and rubbing it up and down the back of my neck and spine.)

Now I do this regime a couple of times a month as a maintenance. I have been symptom-free! I do use Ortho Ease Sport before and after exercise, but it would not be a good replacement for the MS Recipe. It would not hurt to use in conjunction with the other oils though.

Jun 17, 2012
by: jill

If I was to do this recipe 2 times a day would it be good or not?

Jun 18, 2012
MS Recipe 2x daily ok
by: Susan S.

Hi Jill,

Yes, twice daily would be okay, but it is not necessary as every cell in your body can absorb the oils in 20 minutes. Your body processes the oils and they can stay in your system for up to 7 days.

Using the MS Recipe once per day is sufficient, although I did it more when I was first starting out because I just wanted to feel better. Now I know that it wasn't necessary as I have learned a lot since starting this regimen over 3 years ago.

Jun 19, 2012
waiting on major relief
by: Anonymous

I think these oils must be pulling alot of the soreness out first before the relief comes. I have almost been doing oils for a week and am really sore I'm sure the essential healing is next. When did u start weaning yourself off the meds?

Jun 22, 2012
It Is Best To Stop Meds First
by: Susan S.

Oh, I took myself off the meds first...it is important not to have the junk in your system to combat the work the oils are doing. I cleansed myself of toxic materials and used (still use) supplements like magnesium and cayenne pepper to battle pain. You need to make sure you are drinking plenty of water to help flush toxins out of your body.

I drink almost a gallon of water a day. You are right though, as the nerves are repairing and healing, you will experience some aches and pains. You may also become tired as your body is repairing itself. It took a couple of weeks at first for me to get through this stage. If your fatigue becomes too much, inhale Peppermint and/or any citrus oil. These help overcome fatigue and are uplifting.

Make sure to take a good B-Complex supplement. It is important to find one that lists methylcobalamin as its B-12. The other type of B-12, cyancobalamin, and it isn't as easily absorbed in the body. I use a Co-enzyme B complex by Country Life. It perks me right up! And for an additional boost, drink orange juice in the morning with your supplements. This will give your body the strength to get through the day and this also works hand in hand with the other supplements to reduce pain.

Depending on what medication you are taking, there are natural counterparts. I researched what I could use to replace the particular medication and then was able to finally stop taking anything all together. Please let me know if you need any help. Blessings!

Jun 23, 2012
by: Anonymous

What do u suggest for a real good cleanse?

Jun 23, 2012
by: Anonymous

What do you mean natural counterparts? How do I research my medication?

Jun 25, 2012
Best Cleanse
by: Susan S.

I love Young Living Essential Oil's 5 Day Nutrative Cleanse. It is gentle and affective.

For optimum results, a Master Cleanse fast is fantastic. Master Cleanse made up of 2 Tbsp. Fresh Lemon Juice, 2 Tbsp. Organic Grade B maple syrup, and 1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper, all combined in a 10 oz. glass of Distilled Water. The Master Cleanse fast must be done for at least 10 days, preferably for 30 days, in order to achieve results.

This can be followed up with a Carrot Juice fast if you are up to it :)

Aug 17, 2012
Researching Medication
by: Susan S.

As far as researching medication, the first thing you want to do is ask yourself what the medication is being used for. you can search sites like WebMD.com and the Rocky Mountain MS Center for good advice. A natural or wholistic food store can be helpful and so will the library.

You can always google the information you are looking for, but you have to be careful because there are some rather expensive alternative "cure alls" that may not even be effective. A natureopath or holistic consultant is a good source of information.

Apr 06, 2014
MS and barely can walk
by: Elle

Hi Susan,

Thanks for sharing your story. I'm encouraged by it. I have MS now for the past 7 yrs. And my biggest symptoms are I barely can walk. My right leg just doesn't keep up w/ my left leg. My right arm/hand also can't do some small fine movements, like pluck my eyebrows and I barely can write... that type of stuff.

I'm just wondering if you had a walking impairment? Or other symptoms. I'm hoping by doing this MS recipe that I will see improvement in my walking? I def will try. You know I am new to reading up on essential oils and what I found here in my town was "organic essential oils by Korres" and the other one is "organic essential oils by Apivita". Have you heard of them?

I'm also "gluten free" and try to buy "organic" whenever possible or from the farmer's market. No soda pops or white sugar sweets of any kind. I use raw honey or stevia if I need a sweetener. Thanks for any advice you may have for me.
Greetings from Greece,

Jul 28, 2015
Tired & medicine
by: Angie p

I am on Tysabri and it is an infusion. I am scared to go off the meds because they have been helping me. I would like to try the oils because I am tired all the time & my right side of my body feels heavy. What do you think? I have had MS for 8 years.

Aug 27, 2015
Meds and Alternatives
by: Akrista

Hi Angie P.,

Was just wondering - do you need to go off your meds while using alternatives? I know there are some that may interact negatively with the medications we take, however, I doubt if the oils would interfere.

If you are still doubtful, talk to your GP or neurologist about it. I don't see a problem with taking/using them both, and hopefully your doctor can see the benefit in using CAM (Complimentary Alternative Medications) in helping to treat your MS.

Hope this helps!

Sep 09, 2015
Help for my sister with MS
by: Anonymous

My sister was DX with MS last yr. She's 32 and is on medication. She's changed her diet but probably only slightly. She seemed to have had a relapse or something as she is currently hospitalized because she lost all use of her left leg.

Can anyone offer advice? Anything to help her? I appreciate it very much!


Dec 01, 2015
Oil drops
by: Anonymous

How many drops of oil of each do you use, please?

Feb 21, 2016
Also wondering about # of drops
by: mcn

I was also wondering about the ratios of the oils in the recipe. Could you please let us know how many drops of each oil you use? I am excited to try this. I have been using Panaway and can tell it helps with pain. 😊

Feb 21, 2016
Answers to many of your questions
by: Anonymous

I am sorry I have not responded to so many questions. I have been so busy since I started feeling better that I could barely keep up with all of the emails! I have since become a certified aromatherapist and licensed pastoral healer so I can help so many people.

1. When I started my protocol, I was going from RRMS to SPMS. I could hardly walk or do much of anything. It only took a few months to notice big changes and by the end of 1 year, I was doing things like "normal" people do. I used the the oils once per day, only a couple of drops per oil, neat along my spine and on location regarding oils that help with spasticity and pain.

Now that I am certified as an aromatherapist, I know it is even better to use a carrier oil, especially evening primrose oil for MS. Just a 1:1 ratio is good.

As far as CAM therapy goes, yes, the oils can react to certain meds, which is why I wanted to wean myself off most of my meds 1st. Essential oils are very strong and can have negative effects if used incorrectly.

When using the oils it is imperative to drink plenty of water everyday to help flush out the toxins. Also, alcohol and sugary drinks, aspartame and other artificial sugars, and MSG, among other harmful food additives, must be avoided.

Apr 04, 2016
by: Lyn

Thank you for all this information! I have had MS since 1991 and know that God is helping me every step of the way. I recently became a YL distributor and bought the oils in the MS Recipe; can't wait to get started!

Jun 20, 2016
oil recipe
by: Ann B.

Do you just drop oils individually on back or do you blend them? If you blend what is that recipe?

Aug 07, 2016
What is the recipe?
by: Dawn C

What is the recipe you use - as in how many drops of each kind and if you mix them all together or apply them all separate?


Aug 29, 2016
Thank You for the Guidance
by: Nicole F

This post is so valuable - thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I too am curious on how much oil you used of each. Thank you again - this guidance provides hope and light when the wall of fear and unknown are trying hard to press in. Thanks again for sharing your testimony.

Jan 04, 2017
Ms recipe
by: Anonymous

Yea, would like to know too, what the recipe is and if you can blend them together and maybe use a roller bottle down the spine. Have a friend that needs this!

Jan 30, 2017
The Recipe
by: Anonymous

Here is the "Recipe" copied from an earlier post:

"1. When I started my protocol, I was going from RRMS to SPMS. I could hardly walk or do much of anything. It only took a few months to notice big changes and by the end of 1 year, I was doing things like "normal" people do. I used the the oils once per day, only a couple of drops per oil, neat along my spine and on location regarding oils that help with spasticity and pain.

Now that I am certified as an aromatherapist, I know it is even better to use a carrier oil, especially evening primrose oil for MS. Just a 1:1 ratio is good.

As far as CAM therapy goes, yes, the oils can react to certain meds, which is why I wanted to wean myself off most of my meds 1st. Essential oils are very strong and can have negative effects if used incorrectly.

When using the oils it is imperative to drink plenty of water everyday to help flush out the toxins. Also, alcohol and sugary drinks, aspartame and other artificial sugars, and MSG, among other harmful food additives, must be avoided."

So this is what I understand it to be according to the info above:

2 drops Basil Oil
2 drops Rosemary Oil
2 drops Peppermint Oil
2 drops Helichrysm Oil
2 drops Wintergreen Oil
10 drops Evening Primrose Oil (carrier oil)

Mix together in a roller ball or other small container. Rub along upper or lower back depending on where your symptoms are concentrated.

Susan, if this is correct, please respond. If not, please update when you see this.

Thank you!

Feb 09, 2017
MS recipe
by: Talia Brodeur

Hi Susan!
A couple years ago I became a member and started using oils daily. I love the amazing benefits the eo's have & really want to help my Aunt who has MS. For your recipe do you dilute the oils or apply neat? I know peppermint can be a hot oil for some people. Also does it matter what order?
Thank you for your time! :)

Mar 21, 2017
MS recipe
by: Anonymous

If she was applying the oils Raindrop style, she would not combine them first. They would be dropped and then fanned either up or down one oil at a time. This is the way Raindrop is performed. Oils are not combined and then applied, but dropped alone, fanned out, etc., before adding the next oil.

Jun 01, 2017
How many drops
by: Mary

Hello, i want to make up a pulse oil for someone so that her husband can just roll it along her spine. How many drops of the different oils should i put in a 10ml roll on bottle?? Is it equal parts of each essential oil? Thanks, Mary

Sep 15, 2017
by: Holli

I found this post by searching for MS and essential oils. I am an avid YL oiler and my friend, Ashley, is struggling with her MS. I really want to help her. My computer is showing the entire article and comments but not the actual MS recipe. What is it? What oils are used?
Thank you so much!

Here's a link to the page I just made with everything in one place - MS Recipe - hope it helps!

Reply: Hi Holli, here is the "Recipe" copied from an earlier post and I will make an actual page for this since it is so popular.

"1. When I started my protocol, I was going from RRMS to SPMS. I could hardly walk or do much of anything. It only took a few months to notice big changes and by the end of 1 year, I was doing things like "normal" people do. I used the the oils once per day, only a couple of drops per oil, neat along my spine and on location regarding oils that help with spasticity and pain.

Now that I am certified as an aromatherapist, I know it is even better to use a carrier oil, especially evening primrose oil for MS. Just a 1:1 ratio is good.

As far as CAM therapy goes, yes, the oils can react to certain meds, which is why I wanted to wean myself off most of my meds 1st. Essential oils are very strong and can have negative effects if used incorrectly.

When using the oils it is imperative to drink plenty of water everyday to help flush out the toxins. Also, alcohol and sugary drinks, aspartame and other artificial sugars, and MSG, among other harmful food additives, must be avoided."

So this is what I understand it to be according to the info above:

2 drops Basil Oil
2 drops Rosemary Oil
2 drops Peppermint Oil
2 drops Helichrysm Oil
2 drops Wintergreen Oil
10 drops Evening Primrose Oil (carrier oil)

Mix together in a roller ball or other small container. Rub along upper or lower back depending on where your symptoms are concentrated.

Susan, if this is correct, please respond. If not, please update when you see this.

Thank you!

Oct 31, 2017
How many drops for a roller ball?
by: Marsha

Hi I want to make. Roller ball for my step mom with me. How many drops of each oil do you put in? Thx

Here is the basic recipe from an earlier post:

2 drops Basil Oil
2 drops Rosemary Oil
2 drops Peppermint Oil
2 drops Helichrysm Oil
2 drops Wintergreen Oil
10 drops Evening Primrose Oil (carrier oil)

Also, here is a link to the page I did on the MS Recipe You can find out more there.

Dec 29, 2017
by: Maria

How many drops do you use of every oil in your MS recipe?
Thanks in advance.
Brgds Maria

Apr 18, 2018
myelin sheath repair
by: Yael

Is conyza candanesis effective for myelin sheath repair? MS?
If so, how to use?
Thank you, Yael


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