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You Won’t Let Go

by @LamaG6
(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.)

Couple photo courtesy of Daquella Manera

Couple photo courtesy of Daquella Manera

How am I supposed to move on, when you come and go like that?

How am I supposed to recover, when you leave a trace at every visit?

You come unannounced, and bring numbness along..

You make it hard to move forward, hard to breathe, to sing a joyful song.

Bruises leave scars, supposedly attempting to ease.

They tell me you’re my life companion, would you tell me you’re not? Please?

I don’t want to seem like a betrayer, but you’re no good for me..

You leave me tangled with words I cannot express.

You make me weak, and my body, you just depress..

Why do you insist on coming back, when all I want you to do is disappear?

Make room for something that might be good for me, something I’ll find dear..

I don’t want to seem like I’m not accepting, but my mind I can’t control..

These thoughts come with the night, and sink deep into my soul.

I don’t want to seem naive, because I know you’re here to stay.

But you gotta know it’s not gonna end well, for one of us, someday.

I’ll be stronger, grow older, and kill you like you do me.

I’ll be the rebel, bring a remedy, to trap you in the pathetic past to be.

You’ll be a memory, something forgotten in vain.

You’ll have no more control over me, someday, you’ll bring me no more pain.

And until that day, my dear, all I have to do is remain sanely right.

Sane with a dash of rebellion, to secretly sneak up on you and fight.

Grab a knife, take a breath, and sink it deep into you at the end of that night..

You’ll do no more harm to me, you’ll make me numb no more.

You’ll have no more control over me, never making me sore.

My sight will never deceive me, and my body will stay in my control.

You’ll slowly make a run for it, and give me back my soul.

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Mar 13, 2012
Thank You
by: Carol

Beautifully heartfelt, thought provoking, brave, and honest words.

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