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Oh, I'm Just m.s.n Around--Messin Around

by Robert Thompson
(Huntsville Alabama USA!!!-ROLL TIDE!!!)

...Is what you tell someone when they see you stagger, trip, and fall, and they ask, "Are you ok?" ---AND YOU'RE SERIOUS!!! haha...

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"Who left that damn thing in the way?!!!

by Robert Thompson
(Huntsville Alabama USA!!!)

...is what you say, angrily when someone watches you stumble, trip, and fall.-- OVER AN INVISIBLE OBJECT!!! HAHAHA

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My MS Monkey...

by Robert Thompson
(Huntsville Alabama USA!!!)

...sneaks up on you and plays one of his tricks on you.

You know you have ms when...,

...standing with the guys at work, you loose your balance and fall backward, flat on your back!

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You feel like a monkey.....

by Jane D.
(Evansville, IN)

.....because you use your hands as much as your feet to get around the house!

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A Turtle

by Minnie

Turtle Flickr photo Courtesy of Gaphiker

Turtle Flickr photo Courtesy of Gaphiker

...walks faster than you do.

When walking short distances, I start singing to myself, "Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking out the door!" It keeps me laughing.

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You Race Your Bladder

by Lori

to the bathroom...

.......and you lose.

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