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You Know You Have MS When...?

The original page - You know you have MS when... is still there, don't worry. If you arrived on this page and would like to find the list that's already here, just click the link above to go there and add to our growing list. Laughter is still the best medicine don't you think?

It makes you feel good. Your mood improves. My daughter says that laughing is like exercising. You spend as much energy as you would as if you did an early morning jog.

One theory says that laughter can be called the "relief theory". Sigmund Freud said in his theory that laughter releases tension and "psychic energy".

This theory is one of the reasons for the belief that laughter is beneficial for your health. This theory explains why laughter can be a good coping mechanism if you're upset, angry, or sad.

So lets help each other laugh. We all could do with a daily supplement of giggling "medicine". So come and join the fun.

Newest additions to You know you have MS when...

The two images above are of the newest cartoons we've added to our site. We hope you'll like this knew series. Ms. Mouse has MS and a sense of humor as she tries to deal with it on a day to day basis. 

Along with the cartoons, you'll find a note from the Desk of MS. Mouse each month, with her thoughts and advice to fellow MSers. We hope you enjoy her witticisms and that they make you smile. 

Any thing that makes someone with MS smile and look at everyday challenges in a more light-hearted way, is okay in our book.

A few more of our past cartoons...

Here are a few more of our past cartoons. We are actually re-doing some of them, so keep checking back for updates. We think you'll like those as well.

Go from You Know You Have MS When to the original page.

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Cir & Akrista

You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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