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Why Won't Doctor Listen?

by Corey Arballo
(Herriman, Utah, USA)

Why do I have to kick and scream to get my doctor to listen? I have chronic daily pain because I have severe tmj with neuropathy thru out my face. And I am on 4 medications and my body is so used to the medications that it work's about half the time.

The pain breaks me down to the point of where I just want it to be over. And then I think of my children and husband. They are my reasons for living and enduring this daily pain. My pain ranges from 4 to 8-9 on the pain scale.

I just wish they could just help me instead of making me jump through hoops and cartwheels and having me prove how much pain I am in.

It's ridiculous. It's insane. I feel like I have to scream in the doctors face to get any help. Why does it have to be so hard?

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Apr 15, 2012
Natural Pain Remedies
by: Susan Stone

Hi there,

I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia (facial pain) among other pain from MS among other things. I have found the pain to be controlled from taking a supplement of Cayenne Pepper. I buy it at Vitamin World when my plants aren't producing enough peppers.

This works due to capsaicin in the pepper. It helps with all pain. I use cayenne along with alpha lipoic acid supplements and magnesium. If you decide to try using cayenne pepper, be careful if you aren't used to eating hot peppers. Drink lots of water and maybe eat some bread with it to see how you react.

It does work though. Good luck with the doctors. I gave up on talking to mine for over 3 years now because no one wants to hear about alternative ways to help control MS. They just want to put you on pills and shots. No thank you. I am better than I was 3 years ago.

I wish you the best.

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