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Why We Started Our Website - Part 2

Why we started our website - continued...

(Note: Clicking on any of the links on this page will open a new window).

Site Build It!

Still just a hobby

But as I said before, my sales have suffered. My wrists are fine as long as I don't overdo it. But the fact still remains, this is still hobby income. We would like to make enough money to help us pay off our bills and still have spending money.

Even harder times

Living month to month is getting very difficult. With the cost of living rising over the past year, we have had to tighten our belts even more. It's sad to say, that the position many people have found themselves in as a result of the economic recession we're in now, is everyday life to us.

We've always had to watch our pennies. We've always searched for ways to make extra money. The internet has just made it a little easier. Thank goodness Cir used to work in electronic sales and we were introduced to computers and the internet in the early 1990's.

Our children grew up from the very beginning with electronics, computers, and the internet. We've used it to maximize the little business that we did do on-line. That brings us up to the year – 2007.

The continued search

We have always searched for ways to make extra money, as I said before. We were looking at cleaning businesses. (If I listed everything we've ever tried to do, I'd have to write a book - if you'd be interested, let us know : )

Anyway, I found a site that I thought was interesting and we considered buying their ebook. I saw a link at the bottom that said who the site was built by. "Powered by Site Build It!"

I was the curious type, so I clicked on it. The rest is kind of history. Now we're here with our site about multiple sclerosis. It's the closest thing to us. We want to help others who also have MS, learn how to cope with it just as we have over the past 30 or so years.

A perfect fit

SBI is the perfect fit. We can both work from home. And we're still able to homeschool our teenage daughter. When health issues come up, we can step back from building it to deal with them. 

We can work at our own pace. As slow as we want or we can do more when time permits. We realize we're building a business. We are building it slowly, patiently, letting each thing fall into place.

SBI! Proof

We can work at our own pace. As slow as we want or we can do more when time permits. We realize we're building a business. We are building it slowly, patiently, letting each thing fall into place.

So many of the other things we've done, have been because we thought we could have quick success. You know the GRQ (Get Rich Quick) schemes. Every single time, we ran into a brick wall. None of the other opportunities we tried ever worked out. Not one.

From a $1,000.00 website, to the $50.00 self-publishing company, to all of my creative pursuits. I must admit that I do have some sales with my pattern designs, but not enough to make a huge difference.

Not just a website

SBI! Case Studies

Another reason why we started building our website is because for once we finally know that we've found something that is for real. A way that we can help others while helping ourselves.

We have so many days when we feel that MS and the challenges it brings will win the battle. But when we look at the progress we've made and the potential for growth, we have hope that eventually our site will be what we envision it can be.

Update: Can you believe it! We're actually making money with our site now. Consistent, passive, income that actually makes a difference each month. We've stuck with it and now it's beginning to pay off.

We've even started another site - Sandwiches Again? It's fun and our daughter is a little more involved with this one. Eventually this will be earning an income as well. And it's a lot easier because we know what we're doing this time around.

If you've tried other ways of making money on the internet and have had the same results we have, all we ask is that you take a look. See the results others have had.

Read about SBI. Listen to the Action Guide. Read the stories of others who have been where we are. See if you see the same thing we saw 3 years ago. Hopefully you'll join us and begin your own journey.

If you have any questions and need to talk to a real person before making a decision, call the number above. If you've visited all the links above and are ready to jump in, click the link below.

And here's a freebie. A free Work at Home Mom Masters Course. Click the link to read about it and download the pdf course.

Are you a visual person? If so, click the link to the TV below to watch and learn about Solo Build It!. Bookmark it if you want to come back later. And send the link to your friends or have them over and watch it with them. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

We've even started a little blog about it if you'd like to check it out, here's the link to Build a Real Web Business. It's still a little small but we'll be adding more content as we get the chance. (Clicking most of the above links will open new windows).

Go from Why We Started Our Website back to the Home page.

Dear Friends,

"Life in Spite of MS is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We're also part of the Ebay Partner Network, another affiliate program."

We'd also like you to know it doesn't cost one cent more  when you click through the links here on our blog. Not one single penny. And we will make a little extra cash when you do click through. We'll be ever so appreciative. You also have our word that we'll only link to things that we would use ourselves, (or wish we could have or use).


Cir & Akrista

You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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