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When Life Gives You Challenges
Write a Poem!

open book poetry

The ebooks, When Life Gives You Challenges, Write a Poem: Books 1, 2, & 3 are now here. We've been talking about it for years and finally sat down and compiled all the wonderful and inspirational poems that visitors have added to our site into ebook form. And yes, you read that right - there are three!

If you can't wait to get your copy, look to the top right to find the links to them on Amazon. Otherwise, keep reading and we'll tell you a little about them. Plus, book three is also available as a paperback, so check that out, too!

I've always felt that poems about life in general are inspirational in nature. When you add in poems by people who struggle with the daily challenge of living with a condition like multiple sclerosis, then anyone who shares that challenge, will relate to the poetry included here on our site and in these ebooks.

It has always amazed me that there are so many talented people who visit our site and we are very happy to be able to provide a place for you to showcase your talents. There were almost sixty poems in the first two books, so we divided them roughly in half and compiled two books.

when Life Gives You Challenges - Book 1

The first ebook - When Life Gives You Challenges, Write a Poem: Book 1, contains the poems of seven authors; Jane Drebus, Kimberly Miller, Diana Neutze, Lynne, Nichole, H. Scott Crane, and Kelly Autobee (we had a few very prolific writers when we started). Of course you can read their poems right here on our site, however, because we wanted to get the poetry into the hands of as many MSers as we could, we compiled them into books.

And besides, I don't know about you, but I like having the ebooks at my fingertips when I want to read them. They're all in one place and I don't need to scroll through pages and pages to get to them. I can bookmark my favorites so I can find them easily.

(Note: Clicking on the image below, will take you off of this site. Use your browsers back button to return here.)

Book 2

The second ebook, When Life Gives You Challenges, Write a Poem: Book 2, contains poetry by the following authors; Angela Wills, Jonathon Thompson, Bonnie Thomas, L. Wilson, Chris K., Kimberly Bayne, Sue Ioannidis, Connie Cox (Misner), LamaG6, Jaydean Krupski, Gretchen Lane, Aretha Libby, Shirly, Jessica Jones, Mark, Tom Harris, and Helena.

If your name is on this list and you did not receive an email for a free copy, please contact us with a valid email to receive it.  We also had a few anonymous entries. We can update the authorship of those poems, if you would like your name added to receive acknowledgement in the book. 

(Note: Clicking on the image below, will take you off of this site.)

Book 3 - Ebook & Paperback

Book 3 as I said earlier comes in both Kindle and paperback forms. The authors included in this book are; Catherine Hill, Jessica Jones, Kellie N. Anderson, Angie Bean, DeAnna Ziebarth, Tom Harris, Deb Fysz, Michela Paradisi, Alaaddin Cakirerk, Larry Aspenleiter, Kellie Jones, Caleb Esquilin, Adrian, Eleni, and Marianne. A few of our authors have submitted more than one poem. 

Get your third Kindle ebook or paperback in this series by using one of the links below. They will also open in another window. A few of our authors included images or pictures of themselves which we included in the books.

All in all, there are funny poems, inspirational poems, and poignant heartfelt poems, included in all three anthologies, and they are well worth the read. Hopefully they will encourage you as you go through your day, or pick you up when you are feeling down. If they make you laugh, that's great, too. They say that laughter is the best medicine, right? If not the best, it will at least make you feel better.

(The book on the left is the ebook and the one on the right is the paperback.)

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay - diary

We hope you enjoy the ebooks and if you would like to contribute a poem to be included in future volumes of the book, go here to submit your poem. When we have enough to compile one, then there will definitely be a Book 4 in this series.

Thanks to all our visitors and contributors alike for making Life in Spite of MS such a great site! We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. If you have a family member, friend, or know of someone with multiple sclerosis, please share these books with them.

Head from When Life Gives you Challenges, back to Poems about MS, if you'd rather read the poems on our site. Each poem has a link to it near the bottom of the page.

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Cir & Akrista

You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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