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Comments for What LDN Has Done for Me

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Mar 22, 2010
LDN Dosage
by: Lorna

There are two reasons that I use the liquid method for LDN. With this way I can measure exactly how many mg. that I want. I use a syringe that would be used to measure baby medications.

At first sleep disturbance was a real problem for me & caused me to stop completely twice. Having read good things about this low cost med. I was determined & began at 1mg. for a week, only increasing 1mg daily after a week.

Have never done steroids in these many years (25?) & my treatment plan has brought me forward from being bed-ridden for years to walking with a cane 20 minutes. I shall continue, because I want my MS to remain stable.

Reason #2 is that by making LDN into a liquid,
there is no compounding pharmacy & the cost is below $20.00. We have a tight budget.

I did tell you about my website, MSalternativeFIX.

Not totally complete, but should be by the end of the week.


Mar 20, 2010
LDN Liquid
by: Akrista

It's interesting that you use a liquid method of LDN. Is that easier to get than the capsules from the compounding pharmacy? I wonder how much more effective taking LDN this way is than the capsules.

Cir has been using LDN in capsule form for quite awhile as well. He's only missed about 2 months in the past couple years. He did notice the difference and has been taking it every since.

We both believe that if he hadn't been taking it, he would be in worse condition than he is now.

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