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Comments for Vince Smith & Annette Funicello

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May 01, 2012
New To MS
by: Susan Williams

I have been a fan of Vince Smith and Annette Funicello for a long time now. Those two were great celebrities. I love her singing and her movies and I love Vince Smith's also.

I was diagnosed with MS about 5 years ago and although I am doing ok yet, I really hate the thoughts of getting worse like those two are.

I am on Copaxone right now it seems to be doing okay so far.

I love this site, and I am sorry if I rattled on about Vince and Annette so much. I feel so bad for those two.

A friend,


Apr 03, 2012
Annette Funicello &Vince Smith
by: Karen Thomas

I like this page very much. I always loved Annette Funicello, never heard of Vince until I heard his song "My Annette", now I understand why these two fabulous celebrities were so great.

Sorry to hear both celebrities have MS so bad. There has to be a way that people can come together and make this disease go away either donating money hve a walk-a-thon or an MS telethon in honor of these two wonderful stars.

God Bless you both, your fans love you as much as I do.


Feb 20, 2012
Annette and Vince
by: Annette D.

I have been a fan of these two great entertainers for a long long time and I wanted to say that I am praying for you both everyday.

I very much enjoy this site. I miss Vince and Annette very much performing but having MS is a real battle, a friend of mine has it also.

God Bless you both, I will always think about you both.

God Bless,
Annette D.

Jan 27, 2012
Vince Smith
by: Mike Thomas

Country singer Vince J. Smith had a relapse in his MS. The doctor told him he was out of remission. All his fans and friends are praying for Vince Smith and Annette Funicello.

God Bless you both wonderful entertainers.

Mike Thomas

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