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Comments for Vince Smith and Annette Funicello

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May 19, 2012
Two Great Celebrities
by: Susan Williams

From the time I read about Annette Funicello having MS I have been praying for her. One day I read about my idol Vince Smith having MS this was to much. Vince is also on my prayer list.

I have a member of my family with MS and it is hard to watch what he goes through. It makes it even harder when see two famous people that you have enjoyed over the years haveing MS.

I go on you tube alot and listen to one particular song by Vince Smith called "If I Never Sing Another Song". I read that it was the last song he reorded. When I hear the song it takes me back to the days of Vince Smith and Annette Funicello and think that Vince and Annette sanf their last song.

God Bless you both at least us fans have out memories of both of you and the great songs you both recorded.

"If I Never Sing Another Song", http://youtu.be/qA5EYFVcHn4

A loyal and devoted fan of you both.


Oct 23, 2011
Annette and Vince
by: Nancy P.

Today on YouTube I was listening to Vince sing his tribute song to Annette Funicello and I really enjoyed it. Then I read that Vince seems to be getting a little worse than his fans thought. Hope it's not true.

God Bless them both, they are such good singers, I especially like by Annette, "I'll Never Change Him" and "O Dio Mio".

Thank you so much for having this page and a page dedicated to Annette and Vince.


Sep 14, 2011
Vince Smith and Annette Funicello
by: Dan

I always hoped that Vince and Annette would record a song together but it never happened.

I always loved Annette and still do and I think of her often along with Vince Smith. It seems that when I am searching the net for something that pertains to music I can always be sure to see Vince and Annette.

God Bless you both. We need a lot of money raised for this disease and anyone who still enjoys Annette Funicello and Vince Smith I plea to them to send a donation to Annette's MS organization.


Aug 18, 2011
Annette and Vince
by: Doris D.

I've been a fan of Ms. Funicello for years, she was so beautiful and so talented. I never knew who Vince was until he recorded that song about her. Then I became a fan of his also. It seemed no matter where you were looking on the internet, you tube etc. you will find Annette and Vince.

I wish them the best, this disease is awful and there is positively not enough telethons to raise money for a cue to this disease. So if you're a fan of both Annette and Vince, give to MS Association in appreciation for these two talented entertainers.


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