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MS Videos

Recent Articles

  1. WAH for Disabled Individuals

    Mar 07, 25 05:22 PM

    WAH for disabled individuals may not be as hard to find as you may think. There are some things you should consider before pursuing a job at home if you are disabled, though.

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  2. More Anti-inflammatory Recipes for MS

    Feb 08, 25 05:26 PM

    Quinoa and Vegetable Stir Fry
    Here are a few more anti-inflammatory recipes to help with your MS symptoms.

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  3. Anti-inflammatory Foods for MS

    Feb 08, 25 02:28 PM

    Anti-inflammatory foods for MS
    A list of anti-inflammatory foods for MS. There is also a simple meal plan and a few easy recipes to help get you started.

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This page is a compilation of several videos I've found that deal with MS. I don't know about you, but I enjoy watching movies about real life people anyway. You feel a little closer to the person you're listening to and learning about.

I do love reading, but sometimes hearing and watching things helps me to understand them a little better. So here are a few that we have watched and hope you'll enjoy as well.

A few MS videos for you

NMSS - 2011

Tamika Myers - Sings Moving On

NMSS - What's new?

Lauren Parrott interviews Patricia Dorsey (artist/photographer)

Paleo and MS

Paleo Autoimmune Protocol

Abel James Interview
with Dr. Terry Wahls

There are so many out there, that this would be an endless page if I tried to include them all. This selection, though, is a good cross-section of what you can find. Each one has a different perspective. Some explain what MS is and several deal with alternatives for treating your MS. 

Hopefully, you will enjoy them and if you would like to see more, just let us know and we'll add a few more. 

Update: We did find a few more videos and you can find them by going here.

Go back to Resources.

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Cir & Akrista

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