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The MS in Me

by Kellie N Anderson
(Billings, MT, USA)

The MS In Me:
My life is crazy with MS thinking it owns me. It is like a bad dream cause it cannot be seen for its invisibility. You cannot see this is changing me, making it hard for you to be aware. This unruly tyrant is governing and restricting me. I find myself uneasy everyday I wake not knowing what it has in store for me. My only escape is in my mind when we walk hand in hand. For it has got my history and memories at its expense. This is not the road I chose to walk, it was chosen for me. I must be a great warrior in the Lords eyes, why else would this journey have been chosen for me.

By Kellie Anderson

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Dec 04, 2015
by: Anonymous

Keep having faith and put your love and healing energy from prayer to that special person you love and you can't stop thinking about..for whoever is in your life pray for the healing and forgive and think positive and that person has love for you that he/she knows that wrong is wrong and turning to God for forgiveness is the answer

Dec 04, 2015
God Bless
by: Anonymous

Very touching story, you are here for a purpose God's journey... To reach out to someone you love alot that you think about all the time, that also needs help in their life, reach out and pray for healing and forgiveness, that God puts us through trials and tribulations, to see how much we love and care about that special someone.

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