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Someone's Story....

by Dawn Moore
(Green Bay WI, USA)

...and Life with Multiple Sclerosis

I found out I had MS when I was 34 years old when my daughter was 10 months old and she was about to have surgery to repair a cleft palate. My eye was very blurry and kept getting worse and I went to Shopko to get my eyes checked. He said I needed glasses.

Well the glasses did not help. My eyes got worse and worse, so I went to an eye specialist who said I was blind in that eye. The doctor told me that I had MS. Then I went to a neurologist. MY husband wasn't supportive at all and still is not. He just pretends nothing is wrong. He has not gone to one doctor visit with me ever.

Our daughter is now almost 12. Like I said was born with cleft palate and also has some health issues. We also have a son in high school. It has been 11 years since I was diagnosed. I have a hard time telling people about MS so I keep it a secret. Some people cannot handle it.

I do in-home child care. I cannot tell my customers. They would never let me care for their children. My husband lost his job a year ago and so we are struggling with that. We cannot afford all the medical treatments. We are really trying to save money to go on a trip to Disney but every time we get money saved it seems to go to medical bills.

I seem to be doing well, but I can feel the affects of MS on my body. I try to exercise and eat well. The whole time I tell my story it is very emotional to me and no one seems to understand except people with MS. Everyone else thinks I look well, but cannot see what it's doing to me on the inside and the pain I feel physically and emotionally.

Thanks for looking,

Dawn Moore
1091 Morris Ave
Ashwaubenon WI 54304

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Aug 27, 2015
NMSS WI Chapter Info
by: Akrista

Wisconsin - NMSS
1120 James Drive
Suite A
Hartland, WI 53029

Toll Free: 1-800-344-4867

Phone: 262-369-4400

Aug 27, 2015
An Invisible Disease
by: Akrista

Hi Dawn,

I'm so sorry to hear that you do not feel supported by family and friends. We here at Life in Spite of MS don't know Montel personally, however, as you read before posting this, you are welcome to write whatever you like here.

With that said, here are my thoughts. MS is sometimes called an "invisible disease", because the person "looks" well on the outside. Unfortunately, as you know and experience everyday, this is far from the truth.

There are so many things that can go wrong with an autoimmune disease like MS, it's almost impossible to explain to someone who doesn't have it. Even when you live with someone close to you, like I do, it can still be difficult to comprehend.

I must admit, it took me awhile to "get it", and still there is only so much I can do. I do support my husband and do everything I can to make things easier for him. I give help when he needs it and allow him the space when he can do things for himself.

Figuring out that balance was the hardest in the beginning, however, it does get easier. I watch for signs, especially when he doesn't always ask for help. We've been married for over 33 years so it helps that I know him like a book, lol.

Hopefully your husband will soon "get it", as well. And don't feel bad about telling people you know about MS. Of course, you don't "have to" tell anyone, however, you would benefit from being able to tell at least a few - even one - other person about what you are going through.

Try finding a support group or calling the National MS Society and speaking to a Navigator. It's not good that you have lived with MS this long without some sort of support. They can also help with some of your financial needs or point you in the right direction to get help.

Give them a call and again, I'm very sorry to hear that you are dealing with this alone. The NMSS sometimes provides scholarships to people with MS, their children and families, to participate in all sorts of events, as well as for school. So please give them a call or check out their website - http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Chapters/WIG

We wish you the best,
Cir & Akrista
Life in Spite of MS

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Cir & Akrista

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