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Prayers in the Name of Jesus for you and your family.

Dear Montel:

I saw you on Dr. Oz and I felt your pain. I serve the Lord as an instrument of Laying On of Hands Healing. I offer this to you with His love. I call forth his Name before a healing with the words In the Name of Jesus period. My hands become very hot. Montel, It is the Lord's will not mine. I have been an instrument with many wonderful results.

I felt so strong within my heart to write to you. You can read my testimony on my outreach program website oneheartperiod.org. My gift was given to me in Love by the healing of my Beloved Grandmother in 1984. I was blessed to have her for 7 more years.

If it is His will, This letter will be passed to you. All at His timing. I don't believe in accidents. We are all linked together in His Love. You have helped so many people in your life. Let me serve you as His instrument.

I will continue to hold you in prayer and also your family and All God's Children that have MS.

Blessings in His Love.

Rev. Mary Ann Brown

Founder of www.oneheartperiod.org

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Nov 04, 2011
Prayers in the Name of Jesus
by: Anonymous

I have the same testimony, I was diagnosed with possible M.S. and none of the medicines were working. Most of them sent me to emergency and made me feel worse then what I was feeling..Nothing against doctors and all but their is a power that is higher then anything on this earth that can heal. The doctors, neurologist and all the different test, didn't do a thing, as a matter of fact all the test said I was fine. But I still had the symptoms. But on October 8th 2011, a Minister prayed for me and rebuked the enemy over my body, and prayed over my body, and I stood up and walked for the fist time without the symptoms of shaking legs,or dizzyness. Don't tell me there isn't a God out there that can't work miracles.. He is the the altimate healer. Keep the faith, pray and believe, and he will do it for you.

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