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Only 18 and Living with MS

by Stephanie
(Pueblo, CO)

I am 18 years old and was recently diagnosed with RRMS. According to my neuro, she says I have had it since I was younger. I have lesions on my brain and they cover my spine.

I mainly have a tingling or buzzing in my hands and feet and I get frequent migraines. I lose my balance at times and can also be forgetful. I am still working on recognizing my most common symptoms.

I'm still working on getting treatment. It is complicated with the insurance companies. It has placed a turn in my road of life.

Going off to college was my main goal as an 18 year old and it still is but I have to be more aware of what I am doing. I do not want to have a flare up while away at college.

My MS has luckily not progressed into something as severe as what other people have. For the most part I can live my life as normal while taking some precautions for my health. Fighting MS will make me stronger!

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Jul 14, 2010
Ms Management
by: Lorna

Read your post this morning regarding your recent MS DX. I've had RRMS for almost 30 yrs, and have learned so much about staying in remission, (10yrs now). I use as few drugs as possible. I now only take one drug specifically for MS & cost is below $100.00 per month.

Have never done steroids & have developed an alternative method which works. Several key nutrients, careful diet & regular exercise.

Complete details may be found online @ my website...MSalternitiveFIX

Check it out.

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