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my thoughts of ms

Started over 10 yrs ago. Numbness, tingling, walking funny. Now thanks to lesions in spine, I am wheelchair bound, left leg paralyzed, cant walk or stand. Everything I do is a project.

No rhyme or reason to MS. It is awful theres a condition out there that will make you crippled by 45. WTF

It is what it is, so I deal.

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Jan 25, 2015
Never give up
by: Kerri Hodges

It began with weakness and dizziness at times since 5th grade. It got evident something was wrong when my vision blurred from one eye, then to both and numbness from feet to waist. I was diagnosed on my 2nd sons 1st birthday, 1/5/2004 and have been fighting through the relapses and pain since.

I want to give up at times, I won't pretend like I don't. But why? God created me and knew before me what I was to face. I believe strongly God would not allow anything that I wouldn't be able to handle. I was told I have RRMS. Wheelchair bound is more likely and being on disability permanently but I didn't give up.

I've held my full-time job for a year coming March. I've been promoted already and no trips to the hospital in a year. MS doesn't define me. I was chosen to fight MS cause God knew HE built me stronger than MS. So cry, scream, have your moment, but don't remain in that moment.

We were chosen because we're strong enough to fight MS. With my faith, family, eating better and staying active, I'm determined to keep fighting. I'm only a loser if I give up and I won't give up cause have 2 sons (11&13) depending on me. I tell them they're not weak cause they didn't come from weak. Their mother isn't weak.

I want to be active in my sons lives, see the men they will be. I have a fiance I can't wait to marry. I have parents who strengthen me, nieces and nephews just family. I have family and love. So why not fight?

Jan 25, 2015
MS is Not The End
by: Akrista

Dear Anonymous,
I know you may feel that life is not worth living, however, you are very wrong. MS is not a death sentence. Yes, it's a shitty disease. Yes, it can make you feel like you don't know what's going to happen next. Yes, it has it's challenges.

Maybe god is telling you that you need to learn to fight it. That each day will make you stronger. That you will learn more about the strength you do have when you make it through each new challenge - each new day.

I don't have MS. My husband does and everyday I watch him get up and fight through the pain that greets him each morning. It's a good day when he can say that on the scale of 1 - 10, it is a 3. He still has the pain, but it's bearable.

And when he wakes up and it's a 9 or a 10, he does not say I give up. He fights through the pain until he gets through it. There are days when sleep is the only thing that will help. Or maybe writing will take his mind off the pain.

It's good that you can write or talk about how you feel. That's one of the first steps to dealing with what's happening in your life. My husband most likely had MS as a teen - balance problems, and then a little older - optical neuritis when he went blind in one eye.

What did he do? He researched and found out that he might have MS. What's good for MS? Back then, the nutritional book said B 100 Complex and a few other vitamins and minerals. Nowadays, there's evidence that high doses of vitamin D3 help to alleviate some of the symptoms common to MS - one of them depression.

Believe it or not, depression is a common symptom of MS. It's not easy for a young person to be told that they have a disease like MS. At 32, you are still young and have a long life ahead of you, in or out of a wheelchair. There are so many people who began life in a wheelchair - never even knowing how to walk.

They live their lives that way because it's all they know. There are some people who are walking one day and the next they're in an accident that takes away the use of their arms and legs. They don't give up. They get right back into life by learning how to do things differently.

That's what you have to do. Learn how to manage your symptoms so that you can do what needs to be done. Everyday isn't going to be easy. No one ever said it was going to be. Even Helen Keller said that life is an adventure or it's nothing. And she couldn't see or hear anything. All she had was touch.

Think of all the things you can do. Maybe you are slower, but you can still do them. Maybe you need to take your time or wait until you are at your best, then go for it. Who said there was a time limit on getting things done? Time is relative.

Life is a gift. Everyone is dealt a hand. Some have a better hand than yours. Some have a worse one. But they all play the game. They just do it differently. Everyone has to use a different strategy to be successful in this game called life. You can't give up before you even get started.

Who knows, maybe the strategies you learn to deal with this disease will inspire someone else to make it through another day. Use this site as your platform. Talk about your struggles and what you do to work through them.

Life is worth living, even with MS.


Jan 24, 2015
i give up
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry I found out something was messed up with me at 14, finally diagnosed at 17. I am 32 now. Trouble walking, talking, thinking, pain, and memory. I'll probably be chair bound soon. Me personally, I will commit suicide then.

Why were people like me robbed of a life? We must have been shitty people in our last lives. More than half my life someone in heaven has been laughing at me and I'm sick of this life now. Or maybe god granted me this life so I have a excuse why I'm such a loser who will never amount to anything.

I give up

Jan 22, 2014
have you joined
by: Anonymous

I have MS and it seems that the best place on the internet so far is MYMSTEAM.com - bring your discussion there so we can all get involved.

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