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 Multiple Sclerosis for Dummies ~
A Book Review

This bright yellow book - Multiple Sclerosis for Dummies - is one of my favorite "go to" books when doing research about MS. It is by Rosalind Kalb, PhD, Nancy Holland, EdD,RN, and Barbara Giesser, MD. It has a lot of great information as well as plenty of resources, just in case you need more.

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Should you buy this book or at least check it out at your local library? My answer would be yes. If you are looking for answers to help you learn what it's like to live with multiple sclerosis and not let it take over your life, then this is a great book for you.

What can you do to remain active when you have MS? Is such a thing even possible? In the past, doctors would tell patients who had just found out that they have MS, to go home and get their affairs in order. Now you can live an almost normal life, depending on the type of MS you have.

How can you do this? By beginning as soon as you can to manage your symptoms, avoid complications, and maintain your best quality of life. This book will give you suggestions and tips to do just that. From how to work with your growing MS team, to making time for rest, exercise, and healthy, balanced meals.

From giving you hints on what and how to manage your energy bank, Multiple Sclerosis for Dummies (link opens in a new window) - is a great addition to your personal library. Learn who your healthcare team is and how to work with them. How to find a neurologist who specializes in MS, what to do on your first visit and how often to see them.

It's great for the newly diagnosed as well as the seasoned MSer. Here's what David Lander had to say about this helpful book:

"When I found out I had MS, other than finally having a label for my problem, I still had no idea what to do with it.... Had I had a wonderful book as simple to navigate, yet as comprehensive as Multiple Sclerosis for Dummies, my family and I would have saved a lot of time and aggravation.... After reading (it), you will be much more capable of asking your doctor the right questions, and that makes you an effective component of your own treatment."
-David L. Lander ("Squiggy" from Laverne & Shirley), proud member of the MS community -

Video Review of Multiple Sclerosis for dummies

I recently found a video review by Dr. Shawn Benzinger of Second Opinion.org. Listen and see if you agree.

Again, I would walk, run, or roll, over to your nearest library or bookstore to grab this book. If you're already sold and want your own personal copy, you can use the link below to get it on Amazon and they even have a Kindle edition.

(Note: If you do happen to purchase using this link, we will receive a small percentage of the sale.)

Go back to Book Reviews 

Head over to Read another Book Review - The Questions You Have... 

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Cir & Akrista

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