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MS -We have to live with !!!

by Primoz Zeleznik
(Ljubljana , Slovenia , EU)

My name is Primoz and I am from Slovenia, EU and also have MS and I have been privilege to meet Angela in Gorizia last May.

Gorizia is about under 100 km (60 mile) from Ljubljana City where I live (capital City of Slovenia) and we meet when Angela was in Italy and she is really nice girl full of life and I like that.

MS "hit" me in 2002 and after one "BIG" one I am in wheelchair but as it is not too good we have to live our life even seating down and we have to excepted it but not surrender!!!

People like Angela give me, us hope to live our life and if we can help other not so fortunate MS people!

Wish her all the best and you are good girl my dear Angela amica mia!!!

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Apr 28, 2009
My wonderful Primoz!
by: Angela

Caro Primoz,

How did I know that I was going to find you here???
Maybe, because we write to each other every single day, maybe because I know everything about you, maybe because our friendship have grown so much over the past two years...
Well, I think it is because of all these reasons!

Meeting you in my hometown, Gorizia, has been an incredible thing that we will never forget and you know that, as soon as I get to Italy this year (if it's meant to be) I will come and see you again and give you the biggest hug ever!
We will eat gelato again and seat on the bench and talk...and we will create new memories to add to the ones that are already in our heart and that mean so much to us.

I am so thankful to have you in my life!

HVALA (thank you in slovenian) my dear Primoz.

Write you in a few minutes!!!!



Apr 28, 2009
Thanks for sharing!
by: Akrista

Thank you, Primoz!

Angela has many friends all over the world. Her big heart has touched the lives of MSers and she gives hope and encouragement through her videos and her flowers.

It is great how she can reach across the miles and give hope.

Thanks so much for sharing,

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