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MS Caption contest poll

MS Caption Contest Poll

Here it is! The MS Caption Contest Poll! The time has come to vote for your favorite caption for last weeks You Know You Have MS When... cartoon.

The poll below is for contest number 3.


(Follow the link above to see the cartoon and refresh your memory before casting your vote).

The first 2 contests didn't have enough submissions to vote for - you can see all of the past winners on the Wall of Fame page. Here's your chance to get in on the action and make your voice heard.

Choose the option you feel fits the above cartoon best using the form below and then click on the button to submit your vote. Once all the votes are in, we'll announce the winner on the Wall of Fame next week.

MS Cartoon Caption Contest Poll

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

This page will be updated each time we have a new contest with enough submissions to have a vote. So, Tweet, Share, Tumble, Instagrammit, or whatever your social media mode of choice is to determine who this weeks winner is! 

This is an ongoing contest and I have several cartoons lined up for the weeks to come, so as I said earlier, bookmark or fave this page so you can find it easily. 

Past MS Caption Contest Winners

MS Caption Contest Winners

Go to the Wall of Fame to see past contest winners. The links below will take you to the actual contests, where you can still add a comment/caption if you like. However, if the contest is over, your caption will not be included in the contest. It'll still be fun if you think of a great caption -  go ahead and add it! We'd love to read it!

  1. MS Cartoon Caption Contest 1
  2. MS Cartoon Caption Contest 2
  3. MS Cartoon Caption Contest 3
  4. MS Cartoon Caption Contest 4

More MS Caption Contest Polls!

Over time, this page will continue to grow and we will update it as long as there's interest. Keep checking back for more contest polls. And remember to tell your family and friends so they can join in the fun. And you are more than welcome to share any of the cartoons with your family and friends.

For cartoons from the past, go to the Cartoon Archives. Many have been updated to feature our new friend, MS Mouse. She'd be thrilled if you would go and check them out. She's a bit of a drama queen, but don't tell her I said so. Have fun and share to your hearts content. Every MSers needs to be able to laugh sometimes. It helps you relieve some of that tension and stress.

Go from MS Caption Contest Polls to the Wall of Fame.

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Cir & Akrista

You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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