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MS A Blessing in Disguise

by Laura
(Dunnellon, FL)

My name is Laura and I have had MS for 16 years. I went blind in one eye and went to the family doctor after 3 days of it not going away. My family doctor did not let me leave until I had an appointment with a neurologist and optha-neurologist the same day. The neuro, of course, sent me for an MRI but no one mentioned MS. I had the MRI the same day in between other appointments.

That night, with 3 kids running around and a baby only 9 months old, the neuro's receptionist called to tell me that they "found SOMETHING" on my MRI and I needed to be at the hospital at 6 am the next morning to be admitted. I didn't know if it was a brain tumor or what.

When the doctor finally showed up around 11 am, he told me very soberly, "You have MS or Lyme Disease." I said, "Praise God!" The doctor and nurses in the room thought I was crazy but when the nurses found out what the doctor did to me, making me wait and not knowing they understood, MS wouldn't kill me and I could be there for my 4 children.

Many years later, after divorcing my husband, and finding a great support chat online I decided that if there was a man out there that would want me with my MS and everything in my past (another whole story) it was up to God to send him to me so I prayed for him to send me a good man if He saw fit. The very next day a newly diagnosed man came into the chat room and invited me on a cruise.

No, I turned him down but he did come to visit me and 5 years later we were married. We have been together the whole time but it took 5 years for us to marry. Now we fight this disease together. Life with MS can be a blessing in disguise if you're open to what God has in store for you.

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Mar 09, 2011
It is so true-MS IS a blessing in disguise.
by: Anonymous

I've been living with MS for 15 years and yes, in a way MS has been a blessing in disguise. I've learned just how much my husband really loves me, who my real friends are, and who I can really count on when I need it most.
And I've finally learned to let the small stuff go-Thanks to MS!!!!!

Feb 24, 2009
Thanks for sharing!
by: Akrista

Hi Laura,
Thanks so much for sharing your story. It's so great that you found someone to share your life with.

When you live with something like MS, it's good to have people who support you and understand what you're going through.

Thanks again and welcome to Life in Spite of MS.

Feb 24, 2009
by: Laura

One thing about dating someone with MS is they understand when you're having a bad MS day, as you understand when they are. It really works out well believe it or not. We are both very positive though, that helps us laugh at ourselves.

Feb 24, 2009
I felt the same way!
by: Angelika

After years of going to the doctor for various aches & pains that seemed unrelated, it was a relief when I got Optic Neuritis and was finally diagnosed with MS.

I still think that I wouldn't want to date anyone with MS, so no one will want to date me. But I have my hands full with a 13 year old right now. Maybe I'll find a chat room in 5 years, LOL.

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