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by Christine Monroe
(Goldsboro, NC in Wayne County)

Hello Montel,
I am writing you because I love your show and I have MS.. I was a school teacher for the special needs population. When the doctor had diagnosed me with the disease in November of 2012, I did not know what to do, but look at my sister that went with me to the doctor. I felt like I was in denial at one time thinking this can not be happening to me or (maybe) its something else.

I had 5 more years to retire and than I will start a new life. My family has been supportive in my condition, to the point where I had to sit down and do nothing because I had a previous stroke. Now, it is causing my family to do things I was not use to them doing on the average because of jobs and caring for their family. I was very hurt that they are giving up their time to take care of my needs.

They are spending money on me,like paying my bills so I can live. My mother is 78 yars old and has taken care of some of my bills like my heating bill, and my youngest sister has taken care of my water bill so I can have water. My twin sister has rolled up my hair so I will not look silly going to public places during the day. Right now, I am taking Copaxone with 20 mg. every day. (It is an injection).

I just need finance to help me out because my family can not do it any more. They are trying to help me. I have taught school since 2005 and had to leave because of my disease. The previous stroke in 2004 was not good either, but the MS made it worst on my left side of my body.

My right side is trying to stay strong but I can tell it's has changed. It was shocking to me and my family of what it is and why....please help me and I WILL APPRECIATE your given.

Christine Monroe

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Cir & Akrista

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