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Moms With MS Community

by Kristin
(Seattle, WA, USA)

Kristin Bennett

Mom's With MS

MomsWithMS.com is a private community made for moms and moms to be who are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, to discuss the nuances of the joys and sorrows of parenting while dealing with MS. There is also the public groupMom's With MS.org which has posts by moms as well.

Reply: Hi Kristin,

What a great resource for the MS community in general and mom's in particular. I hope that you will add a bit more here to let women who are contemplating motherhood and those who are already mothers, what to expect when they join your group.

Many women are afraid of what will happen if they are diagnosed before they become mothers. They have questions about what will happen as they progress. And some wonder if they should even bring children into the world if they may not be able to take care of them.

Because my husband was the one with MS in our relationship and I was the healthy one, my perspective is not from direct experience. I have felt it in other ways however. As a caregiver, I bear the brunt of most of the physical responsibilities only because Cir had problems with balance early on which was during the time when we first had our children.

Women who have children, not only must carry the child for nine months, but when the child is born, may need additional help if symptoms like weakness or balance problems become an issue. With support from a spouse, family members, and friends, raising children can be easier. If this support group is not there, however, caring for a child or children can be difficult, no matter how much you enjoy them, even in the best of times.

So, my question for you is, what can mom's hope to gain from being a part of your group? You mentioned it in your description, but could you go into more detail? And what is the difference between the two groups? Can a mom join one or the other, or will the most benefit be from joining both?


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May 29, 2013
2 groups...
by: Kristin

Well, to answer your question, there is only one "group" which is the private MomsWithMS.com, it is a private place to discuss the joys and sorrows of being a mother dealing with MS. We will also allow pregnant women into the group or those trying to conceive.

The other site isn't really so much of a group as it is a blog, it is being revamped currently so doesn't have much but it links to our National Team page for the NMSS events and other blogs that are by Moms with MS.

So what to expect...you can expect to hear the experiences of other moms! We are getting very close to the 1,000 member mark at just over 950 and we have representation from about a dozen countries though mostly the US, UK, CA, and Australia/New Zealand.

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