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Lynne -- Finishing what she'd Started

by Lisa
(Camano Island, WA, USA)

Lynne Sears Williams

Lynne Sears Williams

My MS hero is Lynne Sears Williams. I met her years ago, just before she was diagnosed with MS. She'd started writing a book, and it was good...very good. Then she got sick, and trying to write became hard. She was in pain. Life took precedence and interrupted her creativity. But everyone who had read any of the book begged her to finish. We wanted to know the ending!

It was hard, but she did it, working for years to create the book she had envisioned. Working when looking at a computer was painful. Then she did the work to get it published.

I'm so proud of her, and I treasure my copy.


I'm a historical fiction fan and after seeing all of the reviews, I am heading to Amazon to get my copy as soon as I finish this reply. I just so happen to have a Kindle and will purchase that version.

If anyone else would like a copy, Kindle or hard copy, just use the link below to get yours, as well. I'm sure if Lynne is ever able to write a sequel, it will be just as well received by the many fans the first book has gained.

Here is the books Editorial Review from Amazon:

"Readers of Diana Gabaldon's historical fiction will love Lynne Sears Williams.

century Wales...
Evan, king of Powys, returns from a wedding to find a village ransacked, with women and children dead. Neighboring Gwynedd has broken the peace, crossing the mountain to pillage and murder. The dead babes tear his heart, and Evan vows to break the heart of Gwynedd.

Gwynedd’s most guarded treasure is a pampered princess. In a bloody raid, Evan’s comrades return to Powys with Gwynedd’s heart.
Evan knows holding the princess will be dangerous and her safe-keeping may mean the difference between the lasting peace he desires and a bloody war. He’s prepared for her to be kept safe but unprepared for the girl’s intelligence, compassion and damnably kissable mouth.
“Evan took in the vision of a scarlet gown, which barely disguised the shapely form and a river of black curls that caressed to girl’s waist. Oh, Lord. He wished he had ordered sackcloth.”

Morleyna’s secret gift of Sight reveals a cruel betrayal that sends Evan on a mystical journey where he discovers his only chance for redemption rests in the hands of his captive.

Her brothers will arrive to claim their sapphire-eyed sister. Will her kinsmen, bent on revenge, destroy Evan and his comrades? Or will destruction come from Morleyna who may be the reincarnation of someone whose beauty captivated a nation?"

Get your copy below, and enjoy a great read!

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Cir & Akrista

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