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Low Dose Naltrexone - LDN

A short history of Low Dose Naltrexone

Low Dose Naltrexone, or more specifically Naltrexone, has been around since 1984 for treating drug addictions. In 1985, Dr. Bernard Bihari began discovering the effects a lower dose of naltrexone had on many other diseases and some cancers. MS and other autoimmune disorders were among those diseases.

Cir started taking low dose naltrexone around 2004. He has not been without it for more than a month since that time. He can tell the difference when he misses a dose. LDN seems to give him an overall feeling of well-being when he takes it every day.

Trying to get LDN

When Cir first looked into getting LDN, none of his doctors would even consider prescribing the drug for him. It was only approved by the FDA in a 50 mg dose for those trying to recover from heroine and other drug addictions. It hadn't been studied for any thing else.

Dr. Bihari was still one of a few doctors studying and recording the effects of the drug. He prescribed it in low doses, from 3 - 4.5mg for diseases other than drug addictions. Cir takes the drug in 4.5mg doses once per day at night before going to bed.

Cir went to our general practitioner first. He had heard that it is difficult to get a neurologist to prescribe the medicine for MS. His GP, however, respected the neurologist's opinion as a specialist. He did say that if the neurologist wouldn't prescribe it, then he would.

When Cir went to his neurologist for the prescription he wouldn't prescribe LDN. He told Cir there was no evidence to back up the claims associated with it. He didn't want to be responsible for anything that might happen.

No laughing matter

We sometimes laugh when we remember what Cir went through to get it. Cir was a little angry at the time. He couldn't understand why he wouldn't prescribe it. What harm could such a low dose cause? There were side-effects for the high dose of 50mg. But for the low dose, there were hardly any.

A heartfelt apology

Just recently, his same neurologist, apologized for not listening to Cir about low dose naltrexone. The neurologist knew Cir as an active participant in his own health care. He was still hesitant to step out there for Cir. The same clinic is now participating in a clinical trial for LDN and seeing good results.

Minimal side effects 

The drug has almost no side effects when taken at such a low dose. Some patients have difficulty sleeping or very vivid dreams when they first start it. These usually wear off after the first few weeks. If not, the dose can be lowered from 4.5 to 3mg or lower.

One of the more recent studies shows that MS patients at least feel better using LDN. We also think that Cir's MS has remained at almost the same level as when he started taking low dose naltrexone about four years ago. His MRI's show no change from that time to now.

Ask your neurologist or GP to look into LDN for you. Or do some research yourself. Here is the link to the LDN website. There's more information than I could ever add here.

Another site you might want to check out is LDNers. There you can find out what others are saying about it. You can find stories others who are taking LDN. I found the surveys very informative also.

It may be something you would want to at least try. Especially when it becomes FDA approved. Here is a website where you can get LDN if there are no compounding pharmacy's near you. Try IAS - International AntiAging Systems.

Here are a few video interviews of people who have tried ldn and have gotten good results. We were excited to see them and thought you would enjoy watching them also.

Do you use LDN? Help others decide if this is right for them.

Do you use Low Dose Naltrexone to treat multiple sclerosis? How long have you used this treatment? Is it working for you? Would you recommend it to others?

We'd love to hear your testimonial, whether good or bad! Knowing your experiences, can help others decide if this is the best treatment option for them.

So go for it! Share your story, right here!

Want to read what Other Visitors Have Said?

Click below to read LDN experiences by other visitors who have contributed to this page...

Low Dose Naltrexone 
I started going to a naturopath after my GP refused to entertain any notion of using LDN, and he started me on it in 2017. I've used it ever since, and …

My Alternative MS Fix 
Have been on this drug for about five years now, never will stop it. Has gotten me out out my wheelchair & up walking with a cane. Have been working on …

What LDN Has Done for Me 
Has kept me in remission for the last five years, which is how long I have been on it. Have had some nice symptom improvements. Bladder now normal, …

Remission? Sure looks like it.... Not rated yet
I have been taking LDN since June of 2010. In March of that year, I progressed from RRMS to SPMS. My ability to function in a normal world was declining. …

4 months on LDN Not rated yet
I have had MS for 14 years, went from RRMS to SPMS about 4 years ago, which is when I really started to go downhill, now in a wheelchair. Have not taken …

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Cir & Akrista

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