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Love Your Show

by Shirlana Newsome
(Martin, KY - Floyd County)

I have M.S. too. I am a 27 year old female. I was diagnosed at the age of 13 years old. Now I am in a wheel chair and will never be able to walk straight again. I like to hear Montel talk about what to do to help myself but I do what he says but no results.

What else can I do. I don't have any money to go to the big doctors like every one else has. Please tell me how I can cope with not being able to walk.

I can't take some medicines be cause I only weigh 100 lbs and they make me worse. My doctor has ran out of ideals so please Montel help me okay.

My name is Shirlana Kayla Newsome. I live in Kentucky, Floyd County. I have one son. I am a divorced mom.

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Apr 15, 2010
Inexpensive MS treatment
by: Lorna

If you would like a very low cost method to manage MS, this could be an option for you...

Something called low dose naltrexone, which is not a steroid, involves no needles & has few if any side effects.

Online check ldninfo.org for info written by a neurologist. I have been on this "off-label" drug for about five years & it has done some very good things for my RRMS.

Apr 14, 2010
Not Montel Williams
by: Akrista

Hi Shirlana,

First of all, what a beautiful name. So glad you found our site, but unfortunately we aren't affiliated with Montel Williams in any way. We do have several pages where we talk about him, but we are not him.

I included your page (and omitted your phone number) - don't want anyone who shouldn't have it to get it. Hopefully this will make it known to others who think the same way that Cir is not Montel. He does have a bald head and he also has MS, but that is as far as the resemblance goes.

So sorry for the misunderstanding. I am including one of Montel's websites - MontelWilliams.com - The link will take you straight to their customer care page (opens in a new window).

Hopefully the people at his site will be able to get your message to Montel. I applaud your courage and sincerely hope that they are able to help you.

Living with MS is not an easy thing to do. I know by watching Cir live with it everyday for the past 30 years. He may even have had it before that as a teenager, but just didn't know it.

Hopefully there will be a cure soon! Take care.


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