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Lost Me

by Kimberly Miller
(Kitchener, On, Canada)

Me, where have I gone?
Sadly, my life's been changed.

MS, is the diagnosis, Dr.'s say.
Yesterday, is now a distant memory.

Somehow, God's life plan was re-arranged.
Erased my future dreams and aspirations.
Abruptly stealing my ability and independence.
Really? Somehow I've lost me.
Can this really be happening?
Hope, please keep me afloat.

Fear rejection, stumble, hurt and cry.
Obstacles, there are so many.
Really? Somehow I've lost me.

Attitude, they say, stay positive.

Cure? Surely they'll find one.
Uncertainty? There is plenty.
Really? Somehow I've lost me.
Eradicate MS, and find me.

by Kimberly Miller
Copyright 2009

More Poems About MS

|Multiple Sclerosis|40th Anniversary|Double|Chronic|Lost Me|A Close Call|Lonely|Finally Diagnosed|Limboland|The Slaying|Time Matters|No Longer Benign|How Long|Stranger|Resistance|MS Means|What MS Means to Me|Just Because|My Body Betrays Me|Life Sentence|Like the Super Bowl Win|

|Just What I Think|I Never Get a Break|Quick Sands|The Colors of MS|The MS Blues|I Will Win|MS Will Never Beat Me|I Will Win|Can't Take Me Away|Will Today Be The Day?|The Diagnosis|My MS Monkey|Multiple Sclerosis II|MS Carnation|I Am Stronger Then I Am|As a Small Child's Bird|Dear Neurosurgeon:|Just MSing Around|What MS Took|MS and Me|A Bad Dream|Deamons and Monsters|Falling|After the Fall|You Won't Let Go|Betrayed|MS Morning|Why?|

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Aug 18, 2015
Apologies & Request
by: Catherine Brace

I need a poem for the funeral of an English friend who died of MS last week and I wondered if you would mind if I adapted your poem. My version will not be published and I will mention your name as the original author.

I would be happy to send you a copy of my adaptation which mainly changes the present to the past, and the first person to the third person.
Hoping you accept my appreciation of your poem,

Catherine Brace

Oct 21, 2009
by: Jane

Clever acrostic--I guess I can't blame the MS since I didn't notice it before-didn't think so. Jane

Sep 11, 2009
Thank you
by: Kimberly

Thanks Akrista, wasn't sure if that could be fixed or not. Appreciate it.


You're welcome, Kimberly. If there are any other suggestions you have to make our site better, please, don't hesitate to let us know.


Sep 11, 2009
Is this better?
by: Akrista

Hi Kimberly,
Hope this works a little better for you. Thanks so much for sharing. Now Jane, has some company :) We love reading what you have to share and look forward to reading more.
Thanks! and enjoy your MS Space as well.

Sep 11, 2009
Too bad
by: Kimberly Miller

It is too bad that the "ads by google" logo caused the top of my poem to shift, beacuse if you were to read the first letters down in the poem it reads..MS My Search For A Cure.
I guess it can't be helped though. Thankyou to the creators of this website, it is good therapy to share stories and experiences with others of the same circumstance.

Sep 10, 2009
Hard Thoughts
by: Jane D

Hi, Kimberly---welcome! Thank you for sharing your thoughts in a poem! I've had MS since 1973 so I've discovered that while things have definitely changed, I'm still me and a very worthwhile person. It's particularly hard at first to incorporate all the changes and "what if"s, but I do think little by little we can regain our equilibrium (no pun intended) and realize we can still have a good life. Poetry helps me cope. Please write more! Jane

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