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Living with Ms

by Sherry Day-Anderson
(Killeen, Texas )

I’m 45 years old and have Multiple Sclerosis. Back in 2005 I was diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis. My signs were my foot would get freezing; I kept forgetting things, dizziness, and kept falling.

That same year I was told I have to stop working and apply for disability. At that time I thought I could still work, but it didn’t work for me because I couldn’t keep my balance. By this time I’m mad at the whole world, and thinking why this happen to me.

I was very depressed, angry, and upset, until I learned how to deal with living with Multiple Sclerosis. The first thing I did was to accept help from others, not let myself get to tired and get the proper sleep I needed.

In 2005 I wasn’t able to drive 'cause of the Multiple Sclerosis, now I’m taking an infusion called Tysabri every 28 days. I’m not able to walk or drive anymore. Now I have to have my son do everything for me. To the point of getting me up in the morning, change me, dress me, help me feed myself.

But you can’t let Multiple Sclerosis get you down; you have to fight to live. I have 3 beautiful who give me inspiration to go on.

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May 01, 2016
More About Dignity Laws
by: Akrista

Thanks, Beth, for your comments.

I'm pretty sure I've heard about these laws, and have a vague idea of what they pertain to, however, do you thing you could give us a little summary of what they are? And what they mean for people with MS. Quality of life is so important to many. As a nurse, we would benefit from your knowledge and experience.

I hope that you are doing well since it has been 5 years from your initial diagnosis.

Take care,

Apr 24, 2016
Dignity Laws
by: Beth

I am a nurse living with MS. I was able to work for 5 years after being diagnosed. I am a firm believer in quality of life. My wish is that all states pass the Dignity Laws.I will donate brain tissue for finding a cure for this horrific disease. Then donate my body to science. My family is 100% with me.

Mar 19, 2016
by: Anonymous

So called Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an UNPROVEN autoimmune THEORY based solely on SYMPTOMS !

Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) is a treatable congenital recognized medical condition, science established significant role/part 43 Neurological afflictions and so called Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Feb 11, 2016
The Right Attitude
by: Akrista

you have the right attitude. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. We'd love to hear more if you don't mind. I'm not sure if you got cut off before you finished, however, you said you have 3 beautiful ______??? Children? If so, that is so great.

It's so important to have family members who support you and are there when you need them, no matter what.

Thanks again. We appreciate you for sharing,
Akrista & Cir

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