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LISOMS on Pinterest!

LISOMS on Pinterest comes out of my love for the site. I have several boards there and was asked recently if Life in Spite of MS has a board there. We didn't, however, I've remedied that - and now we do!

I found so many resources, so much inspiration, so many ideas for everything that has to do with MS, that I have already built up quite a nice sized board. I will be checking out many of the resources I've saved and sharing them here with you in the near future. Here's a sneak peak and a link to go and explore if you'd like.

LISOMS on Pinterest

I must say, Pinterest can be a little addicting, however, it's great for finding a multitude of fun things and saving them to go and explore later. If you haven't caught the bug yet, the above little sneak peak may change all of that. Or at the very least, give you several more resources for dealing with your MS.

There are news pins, memes, links to exercises, helpful hints, infographics, so much, and all that deals with multiple sclerosis - what it is, history of MS, medications; new and old, diets that may help, and of course the cures.

We know there isn't a cure, however, some have been very successful at putting their disease into remission or eliminating their symptoms for the most part. You may have already tried many of these things, with or without success. 

As we've mentioned elsewhere on our site, do these "cures" at your own risk. Speak with your doctor or health care professional about what you're interested in trying. If you're on medication and would like to try another one, by all means talk to your doctor.

Cir has done this many times. And we are lucky to have a practitioner who will give his honest opinion if he feels that it's too early to know how effective or possibly harmful a new MS medication may be. This is a good thing. He still leaves it up to Cir for the most part. 

Back to the LISOMS on Pinterest board. Please check it out. If you've never visited it before, it's similar to a bulletin board. In this case, it's online. You can do a search - did a search for multiple sclerosis. The ones I felt were interesting or beneficial, I pinned to the Life in Spite of MS board I set up.

There are over 500 pins already, and I'm sure I will eventually find more. That's enough to get us started. If you'd like to register on Pinterest and follow the board, that's cool, too. I'm sure you will be able to find some, if not several, useful pins. If you are on there and have a board as well, I'll follow you back.

So, enjoy the board and if you have any other interests, I'm almost positive you'll be able to explore those also. Just another way to wile away the hours when there's nothing to do **grin**.

Go from LISOMS on Pinterest, back to the blog.

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Cir & Akrista

You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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